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darogle 08-15-2003 04:45 AM

1. Today I said something profound.

2. Today I heard something wonderful.

3. Today I am happier than I can remember.

dicksbro 08-15-2003 05:58 AM

1. I woke up
2. I wasn't in the Obits
3. I've had my first cup of coffee

Can't be all bad :)

Steph 08-15-2003 10:26 AM

1. Toronto and Ottawa isn't doing too badly. The power is slowly coming back on but could go again at anytime. This event was one for the memory banks!
2. I can't believe how smelly a skunk on dog fur is!!!!!
3. I can't believe I've had three hours sleep.

rabbit 08-16-2003 08:33 AM

1) Gotta cut the @#$%^&* grass today...A-G-A-I-N!!!! :mad:

2) Gotta help Mrs R get the house cleaned up as we will be having out of town guests two consecutive weekends starting next week. Ugh! :rolleyes:

3) Got up early and picked up some fresh bagels for breakfast....caught 'em coming right out of the oven, too. Yummmy! :p

Cheyanne 08-16-2003 10:50 AM

1) I am very tired

2) A family member's major surgery went well..... (relief)

3) Looking out the window at the apple trees wondering what in the hell I am going to do with all of them!!!! (Any Suggestions?)

T-S 08-16-2003 01:58 PM

1. It's great to be back at Pixies
2. It's great to be back at Pixies
3. I lurve sexy women

Mercury_Maniac 08-16-2003 06:22 PM

1. I'm Tired

2. I'm Hot

3. I'm Horny!

Bopper 08-16-2003 11:11 PM

1. I'm depressed becuase I miss someone..hopefully by this time tommorrow that will have ended.

2. I've been drinking...which for lack of a better term makes me "easy" as well as horny...in my case however the chances of getting some right now is slim...so this makes me more depressed...

3. Wondering how much more I need to drink to get me over the depressed hump into the I don't give a shit zone right now...eyes a tequila bottle...

Steph 08-16-2003 11:27 PM

1. I've got a long weekend booked. Yay! Nothing special planned, just some relaxation.
2. More of my b/f's family is here! Too many visits!!!
3. Glad to hear that Cheyanne and Cobalt's family member is doing well!

Lilith 08-17-2003 01:28 PM

1) I did a good deed yesterday.

2) I found a new wine I really, really, really, really, really like from a Florida winery ( not a typical place for wine).

3) I get paroled tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

IAKaraokeGirl 08-17-2003 02:46 PM

1. Got a postcard in the mail yesterday, saying that my son will have a certain teacher for first grade starting Wednesday. I am thrilled because I play in the bell choir with this teacher at church--I can get weekly parent/teacher conferences anytime I want. :D

2. Have friends coming over tonight and I need to clean...but I need a nap more.

3. Had one of my fantasies fulfilled this weekend. ;)

BlondeCurlGirl 08-17-2003 05:04 PM

1. Happy (and intrigued) to hear that IAKG got a fantasy to come true!

2. Felt a migraine coming on today so I took a nap this afternoon.

3. I'm going to try to work on some stuff tonight that needs organizing.

Scarlett 08-17-2003 09:19 PM

1. I came back to Pixie's today after a too long absence.

2. I got to go grocery shopping alone, which is always nice.

3. I start school tomorrow and I am quite nervous.

dicksbro 08-17-2003 09:52 PM

1. Woke up which is nice
2. Had to work ... not quite so nice
3. Done with work until Thursday ... really nice.

Steph 08-18-2003 12:41 PM

1. I think I have a touch of food poisoning - I blame the power outage.
2. I'm enjoying a three-day weekend.
3. It's a gorgeous day - might have to take the dog to the park.

BIBI 08-18-2003 06:12 PM

I did laundry today(ewwwwww)

I mowed the lawn(ewwwwww)

I have a date tonight(mmmmmmmmm) ;)

Scarlett 08-18-2003 08:46 PM

1. The first day of classes wasn't so bad.

2. I have homework already

3. I quit my one day a week job because I hate it.

darogle 08-18-2003 08:57 PM

1. I woke up and spoke with someone I hold very dear to me...a nice way to start my day

2. My daughter is finally back from vacation...I have missed her horribly, and was ecstatic to finally see her again

3. I think I might have found a new car to buy

All in all a great day!

Lilith 08-18-2003 09:11 PM

1) I baked. It was disastrous.

2) I finally had some time alone today after being home with the kids all summer. I missed them a little bit...just a little.

3) I can feel changes happening in my life and I am not sure if I am making conscious decisions or just passively adjusting.

IAKaraokeGirl 08-18-2003 09:14 PM

1. My son is running a high temperature...we're just trying to get it down and giving him extra comfort as well as loads and loads of Motrin and antibiotics. Scares you a bit, though, when they shoot up over 104.

2. Needed to buy some smaller shorts today (woohoo!) but the stores are only selling sweaters or parkas. Had to twist my own arm into buying a black miniskirt. ;)

3. Wore said black miniskirt to my son's school open house. :D

Ozling 08-18-2003 11:50 PM

1) Got new shoes
2) had shex wid an old friend
3) punched my bets friend in the face XD

Scarlett 08-19-2003 12:31 PM

I hope your son feels better soon IAKG, and congrats on the smaller size clothes :)

1. I started my new job today.

2. I am pleased to be off the Slim Fast plan and back on low fat :)

3. I have a ton of housework to catch up on.

gryphon 08-19-2003 01:44 PM

1)Got woken up from a REALLY good dream by the PHONE!

2)I HATE making coffee, but can't seem to function without it, need a maid.

3)realized it takes a hell of alot more money then I have to hire a maid to make the coffee. (note to self....need a better coffeepot)

Lilith 08-19-2003 01:53 PM

1) I made salsa and it's delish!

2) I wrote something for the first time in a long time and it's obvious I am out of practice.

3) I am having a really trying hair day...especially snake-like today:spin:

Lovediva 08-19-2003 02:43 PM

I have my power back!! :D

I have my computer back!!:D

I have a new AVatar also!! :D :D

BlondeCurlGirl 08-19-2003 06:53 PM

1. Locked eyes with a really cute guy at a stoplight today. He kept smiling at me...too bad we ended up going different directions. :(

2. Got some groovy new shampoo that I am dying to try out in the shower tomorrow. I love the scent and I hope it'll make my frizzies go away.

3. Got a call from my best friend earlier, and was just so happy to hear from her! She has only been married a week (but lives an hour away now) and I felt like I haven't talked to her in ages!

Scarlett 08-21-2003 12:43 PM

1. Today was my second day at my new job and I still like it.

2. I have Spanish homework I have to finish before tomorrow

3. I finally got caught up on housework.

IAKaraokeGirl 08-21-2003 12:44 PM

1. Had my hairdresser put highlights in today...not sure if I like them or not. They're a little more *dramatic* than I'm used to. :D

2. I have 18767523 things to do and no motivation.

3. I am still feeling very evil, and my S/O is loving it. ;)

osuche 08-21-2003 06:41 PM

1. Having date night tonight...looking forward to getting laid.

2. Worked a lot today, but didn't seem to make much progress

3. Surprised myself regarding my job preference...maybe I'm less risk-averse than I thought...

Scarlett 08-22-2003 05:33 PM

1. I made it through my first week at school without being late to class or embarassing myself in any way.

2. I am terrible glad it is Friday so that I can sleep later than 6 a.m. in the morning.

3. Tonight is date night, so I am drinking a pot of coffee so I can be awake for it lol

dicksbro 08-22-2003 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Scarlett
1. I made it through my first week at school without being late to class or embarassing myself in any way.

Gosh, Scarlett, I'm sorry about that first week at school. I was hoping you'd have more fun than that. ;)

Scarlett 08-22-2003 08:17 PM

Oh no Dicksbro. I like to blend into the background and be as quiet as possible. I was the only old fogey to recgonize the band Boston in psychology class this morning or maybe I was the only old fogey who had the guts to show my age.

Lilith 08-22-2003 08:39 PM

1) Some one said something I needed to hear today;)

2) I cleaned the living hell out of my bathroom. I shined the cuffs hanging on the shower head til they gleamed.

3) Gonna go drink mudslides with Mr. Lil and watch a movie then slip into my crisp clean sheets!

darogle 08-22-2003 08:54 PM

1. I went hiking and did a little bit of rock climbing with my daughter

2. I found the subject for my next art project

3. I found a place for a romantic get away

WildIrish 08-22-2003 09:08 PM

1. Someone made my day today.

2. I had a great gyro for supper.

3. I'm still smiling!

dicksbro 08-23-2003 04:14 AM

1. Woke up early
2. Got onto Pixies
3. Gotta go to work in a few hours

LixyChick 08-23-2003 09:03 AM

1..Had much needed sex with Mr. Lixy this morning! He's been hurt for 3 weeks now and I didn't want to fuck his brains out till he was feeling better! Now I gotta go kiss the doc who gave him percocets and muscle relaxers!

2..The humidity broke and I can breathe better today. The heat index was 100+ degrees yesterday and so sticky hot and still. Nice breeze today!

3..Decided to have a party! Gonna start the planning stage today. Think I'll make it a "Come As You Are" party. Asking people to be honest and dress the exact way they are at the moment they are reading my invitation. Sound cool? I think so!

Bopper 08-23-2003 09:21 AM

1. Woke up this morning wanting some...got none...but hey I still got my hand, right? ;)
2. Wrong I guess as I get questioned about having a bit of fun with myself :(, so I went back to sleep.
3. Sitting here now, missing a dear friend of mine, ahh but she'll be back soon, and that will make me happy, i'm sure. :)

Steph 08-23-2003 10:15 AM

1. Miss my old computer but this one is working for now :)

2. Miss my bedroom but the neighbours are doing renovations right outside the window!

3. Am really, really glad this is my Friday!

rabbit 08-23-2003 01:08 PM

1) Got up early and played golf...tied my personal best for the course I played this morning.

2) Cut the grass in record time! Woo Hoo!

3) Just found out that I am officially scheduled to have my laptop (work) upgraded from Windows NT to Windows XP...and I am VERRRRRY nervous that the tech guys are going to fuck it up.

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