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dicksbro 08-05-2003 02:16 PM

1. Just got off work
2. Had some lunch
3. Getting ready for the doctor appointment

Devillishgirl 08-05-2003 06:31 PM

1. Awaiting a call on the outcome of my grandfather's surgery today
2. My puppy got her first set of shots today, poor girl is sacked out under a chair in the living room
3. My daughter's blood test results came back good YAY, just one more test result left

BlondeCurlGirl 08-05-2003 06:31 PM

1. Took my car in for what I thought was a minor problem, and was then given a huge list of repairs...total estimate: $1800. :mad:

2. Helped my friend do last minute wedding decoration shopping and favor making.

3. Was treated to dinner by her and enjoyed having a shoulder to cry on, as well as a hug I really needed. *sigh*

Lilith 08-05-2003 08:06 PM

1) I am tired, in recovery mode, and feeling vulnerable.

2) Some people I care about called to check up on me and I love them for it. (( sexy things ))

3) I came home to an empty house and had a few minutes to catch up on stuff before my family came home!

IAKaraokeGirl 08-05-2003 08:45 PM

1) I'm doing the happy dance that Lil's back home--physically and metaphorically. :)

2) I'm *not* doing the happy dance that my daughter found an electric razor at a friend's, and the thin hair I've worked four years to grow to this point is now...well, bad...one day before her scheduled haircut tomorrow afternoon. :(

3) I realized something about myself tonight that was kind of surprising, and not really, either. I am very content at the thought.

dicksbro 08-05-2003 10:33 PM

1. Worked today
2. Got a clean bill of health from the doctor
3. Attended two meetings this evening

(this after not having slept last night :()

(It's 10:33PM local time now :()

rabbit 08-08-2003 10:19 PM

1) Got caught up on some lost sleep from Wednesday night.

2) Put my wife and daughter on a plane to Baltimore today. They'll only be gone a couple of days but I miss 'em already.

3) Just got done giving myself a really nice handjob. :D


Steph 08-08-2003 11:43 PM

Woohoo, great news about the clean bill of health, DB - GET SOME SLEEP!

I hope your wife and daughter are home soon, rabbit!

1. Glad to be back to Pixies/Toronto/my dog/my own house
2. Glad to have spent a week visiting family
3. Next time I go I'll be staying at a hotel - can't stay with my mother for more than a day or two :)

BlondeCurlGirl 08-09-2003 01:37 AM

1. Just returned from my best friend's bachelorette party.

2. Still not drunk but flirted with a few guys at the bars.

3. Starting to cry as I make out her card and reliving all our memories...

BIBI 08-09-2003 02:56 AM

I am up way way too late
I had a wonderful chat with a lovely man
We decided we are finally going to meet.

Sharni 08-09-2003 05:17 AM

The good news......got our tax done and we're getting a return

The bad news....my car caught fire and is down for the count til its fixed

The good news....we all got out of the car with just frazzled nerves!!

Bilbo 08-09-2003 05:53 AM

frazzled nerves!!

If this is frazzled fucking nerves, I do not want anything to do with a nervous breakdown

Lilith 08-10-2003 02:28 PM

1) Am grateful Sharni and her crew are safe ((hugs))

2) Am back from vacation and had a good time but missed you all

3) Am glad school starts in a week for the kids :spin:

IAKaraokeGirl 08-10-2003 07:29 PM

1. Had a good time at karaoke last night with my sister and friends--but the DJ made us karaoke virgins every time we were called up, giving us the songs we'd written down to sing that we'd never sang before. Yikes!

2. Had a huge fight with my mother Friday night. Can Tuesday morning come soon enough?????

3. Otherwise, had a truly wonderful weekend--son's birthday party out of the way, my sister talked me into going off the diving board for the first time in 20 years or so, and lots of sisterly giggling. :)

Steph 08-10-2003 07:56 PM

1. Glad to hear Sharni, Bilbo and the gang are safe!!!
2. Can completely understand what IAK's going through - my mother was pretty cranky for a day or so when I was home for a visit.
3. My dog is not feeling well and I hope he picks up soon.

Gyzsmo 08-11-2003 03:24 AM

1. Gave myself a haircut and got my best friend to give me a new
2. Visited with my grandparents who were out from Ontario for
the past week.
3. Read alot of threads on here to try to get to know people :)

rabbit 08-11-2003 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Steph
I hope your wife and daughter are home soon, rabbit!

Thanks for the well-wishes, Steph! They got back safe and sound.


1) Took the day off from work and played golf today! :D

2) Drank a Slurpee for the first time in 20 years. It was a Red Blast something or other...damn it was good.

3) Found out today that a friend of ours is having an affair with another friend of ours. "eek:

osuche 08-11-2003 09:27 PM

1. Had a great two hour workout at they gym

2. Found someone to weed my yard for me, at a reasonable price

3. Had Thai for dinner and ate too much

IAKaraokeGirl 08-11-2003 09:29 PM

1. Am envious of osuche's Thai dinner. I think I'd have to drive a good 3-4 hours to get Thai from here. :D

2. I will miss my sister when they leave soon. I've realized the last several days how long it's been since we spent any time together.

3. I'm hoping to get more sleep tonight than I have lately, with plenty of pleasant dreams. :)

Lilith 08-11-2003 09:52 PM

1) Got to spend time with someone who has come to mean a lot to me, unfortunately it's never enough time.

2) Bought a zillion dollars worth of school supplies.

3) Oh! and I masturbated in the parking lot of what used to be an Office Max.....their slogan was "take it to the Max", so I did.

Cheyanne 08-11-2003 10:04 PM

1- Started & finished painting my daughter's room...... purple... almost grape!!! (Didn't look like that on the card!)

2- Finished buying a zillion dollars worth of school supplies... :eek:

3 - Purchased some really neat sheer curtains for the "grape" room (white & lacy) and purchased some really cool shear curtains for our oldest daughter's room... black shears.. :D

rabbit 08-13-2003 07:26 PM

1) I worked my ass off today...12 hours. Ugh!

2) My mom is coming for a visit...HOORAY!

3) I did something that made a friend very happy today. :)

darogle 08-13-2003 08:17 PM

1. I sold my truck today...finally have a little extra spending money.

2. I am REALLY starting to miss my daughter, she's on vacation with her mom. This is the longest I have been away from her.

3. I went rock climbing today and finally made it all the way across a really hard stretch of rock that I've been working on all summer.

PantyFanatic 08-13-2003 08:22 PM

1- Finished DJ gig at 01:00. Drove straight to my daughters to "dog-set" over night.:rolleyes:

2- Been starving to death for the last 3 months.:( Spent yesterday talking to a customer that finally wants to start a project that has been hanging fire.:D I get home at 09:00 to find a message from another client.. “It stopped. Come NOW!”:eek:

3- Had a 10 straight hour day.:) While calling client No.1 to say I’ll be there next Monday to star the job I was begging for,:rolleyes: I get a call “remember the yada yada yada you did for us? Well I want to yada yada now.” from client No.3 :eek:

Like bananas..... It comes in bunches.

osuche 08-13-2003 08:26 PM

1. Happy that things are moving for PF. It's fun to be busy.

2. Feeling sore and tired tonight

3. Had peanut butter for dinner (thanks for the suggestion Lil)

BlondeCurlGirl 08-13-2003 09:07 PM

1. Picked up wedding photos from the store and giggled at most of the ones from the reception. :D

2. Spent time rearranging my underwear drawer today. I want new stuff!

3. Spent about $200 on the first round of car repairs today. :( Also dished out another $160 for insurance that of course had to come due this month. :(

Sharni 08-13-2003 09:09 PM

Am trying to be patient...waiting for the verdict on my car

I'm tired of relying on everyone to get to and from work

My patience is getting thin

PantyFanatic 08-13-2003 09:19 PM

2. Spent time rearranging my underwear drawer today.
SEE! I told you I couldn’t be at the places I REALLY should be. :(

My patience is getting thin
:eek:In that case….. I HARDILY recommend to them that they DO get their ass in gear.

IAKaraokeGirl 08-13-2003 09:43 PM

1. Had a pretty rough day most of the day, but, fortunately, it got better as time went on.

2. Ran into a couple at dinner we'd met when we first moved here two years ago and hadn't seen since--it was nice.

3. I'm feeling very loved tonight.

PantyFanatic 08-13-2003 10:21 PM

"3. I'm feeling very loved tonight."

You are:)

... no matter where you are.;)

Lilith 08-13-2003 11:12 PM

1) I thought I'd go to bed , then I remembered the 425278487 things I had to do so did those and am now sitting sipping a Mai Tai trying to get relaxed.

2) I acosted some poor man in chat who I thought was underage... * KISSES TO YOU* sorry:p

3) I am feeling emotional and I hate that shit;)

Bopper 08-14-2003 12:02 AM

1. My day went well as I got to talk to a friend today whom I care for very much. :)

2. Got worse when I got home...but I've come to expect that :(

3. Got even worse as my friend is going to be gone a few days and I will miss her immensely. I knew this already but didn't make it feel any better when I did say goodbye. :(

Steph 08-14-2003 12:14 AM

1. Not looking forward to the week-long visit of my b/s's father. Dude, we just LEFT my family and your brother was here a few days before we left! Can we not be visitors and have visitors for once?

2. It's really hot here but I'm enjoying it knowing that Fall is not too far away.

3. Work is annoying. I will be applying for jobs this weekend.

gryphon 08-14-2003 02:29 PM

1) Just found out hubby's work is trying to Fuck him big time, without even giving a reach around.....( he just got DEactivated and his job is supposed to be waiting for him, they say its not....going to sue thier fugly asses)

2)want to go shooting..(at paper targets, not ppl targets)

3)want to be calm and support hubby, but feeling hysteria hitting quick.

IAKaraokeGirl 08-14-2003 04:33 PM

1. Sending warmest wishes and thoughts to gyrphon in the hopes that everything turns out okay.

2. I was yet again amazed by my children today, when I least expected it.

3. I realized today that I can still surprise people in a pleasant way.

BlondeCurlGirl 08-14-2003 05:14 PM

1. I got my diploma in the mail today!!!! Hooray!!!! Let's see what it can do for me now!!! :p

2. I got an e-mail to do a telephone interview soon!

3. We are eating breakfast for dinner tonight!

darogle 08-14-2003 05:14 PM

1. I'm now without a car for a day or two, and going bonkers because of it...I feel your pain Sharni!

2. I have had the day off, and I've made wonderful use of it by doing a little of nothing.

3. I am really wishing I was someplace else right now.

Cheyanne 08-14-2003 08:11 PM

Love Breakfast for Dinner... :D

1) Finally done with the Back to School stuff!

2) Getting ready for a major turn of events regarding a family member

3) Feeling concerned for the people who are suffering from the power outages in the north east US and in Canada......

Lilith 08-14-2003 08:32 PM

1) coconut rum

2) orange juice

3) grenadine


gryphon 08-15-2003 04:37 AM

1) Having a better night........Thanks Karaoke

2) Lilith's post has once again hit it on the head....coconut rum...lovely stuff

3) hoping everyone has power back and all is good......

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