View Full Version : Advice on a girl!!

04-28-2002, 09:47 PM
I visit this site quite often but i rarely speak, i guess i finally have something to say.

Well i need advice on something. I have been single for many months, mostly because i can't find a girl that i can stand when i'm not drunk. Anyway i did meet this girl who is really cute and nice, and we like a lot of the same things but the only thing holding me back is that she is 17 and i am 21. I have dated someone 3 years younger than me before but i am a little uneasy with 4 yrs. I think she likes me, and i find myself thinking about her a lot. Morally should i forget about this because its wrong or should i not care about age. Any words of wisdom would be nice!!

04-28-2002, 10:52 PM
If in your location 17 is underage, advise that you give her time & space, if 17 is legal there, just give it time to develop... 4 yrs. may seem like a gulf to you now, but it's really not that big a deal if you are otherwise compatible...

04-28-2002, 11:15 PM
my guy and are 4 years apart started me at 18 him at 22 now I am ? he is 37... just go slow and do not rush things she is still impressionable.... about not beng able to find a woman you can stand when you are not drunk.... I am feeling sweet tonight so you get to live :D :p :D LMAO

04-29-2002, 06:56 AM
Age is important, as Scotz has said, to keep from being thrown

in a steel cage with big men called 'Bubba' who need a new


4 years at that age can be a huge gulf, or next to nothing. It

depends on how old you are in your heads.

04-29-2002, 07:44 AM
First meet Sharni when she was 17, I was 22

and we are still happily together

04-29-2002, 08:44 AM
Lilith ~ LMAO You must be in a good mood..or are you too tired from beating other poor defenseless men????

I personally dont think age is a problem (unless as Scotz said she is under the legal age). If she makes you feel happy and you make her happy then whats the prob?? you could be 45 and she 21 makes no difference.
Whats the quote......something about split-aparts??Not quite sure but someone on here will know it.

04-29-2002, 09:17 AM
Im not worried about being thrown in jail, she is of legal age. Thank you for your replies. I am just unsure if i should try to pursue something with her. I think i will get to know her more, and make a decision then..... Thanks

04-29-2002, 10:13 AM
Whats wrong with 4 yrs difference in age? My boyfriend is 4 years older than me too. You like her for who she is and not for her body isn't it? Since you like her and you feel that she likes you too then go for it! I wish you all the best!

04-29-2002, 01:10 PM
uhm.... okay I may not be the best person to speak up here but my first b/f was 12 years older than me, my first g/f 11 years older than me..... I've never dated anyone less than 4 years older than me...... since I was 15...... never had any problems, never broke any laws with my b/fs.... or g/fs...... age of consent here is 16, I did nothing until then because I didnt want there to be any chance of a misunderstanding between my daddy and my man (dad didn't know I was dateing him.... neither did mom and both thing I'm straight so........)

just my 2 bits


04-29-2002, 04:47 PM
If the law is no problem... If you are compatible in your minds is the only important thing. Check that out.

04-29-2002, 05:08 PM
mulder69---I have had just the opposite problem.Twice in my life;
I have gone out with women; younger then me.They seemed way too;immature;for my tastes.We couldn't relate on anything
except sex.I have always dated women;2+yrs. older then I.My wife is about 5mo. older then I.Come to think of it;May 1;I will be
married 37yrs;so disregard my advice. Irish

04-29-2002, 06:42 PM
My boyfriend is 6 years older than me....28 and I'm 22. We have been together for 8 years...you do the math! When we first got together everyone thought..oh hes just with her to get laid....blah blah blah. But it wasnt about that...sure he was my first real sex, but we actually liked eachother...and it turned into a long relationship. you just have to let things happen and see what turns out.....if it is meant to be...let it be. if it is illegal(which i doubt...consenting age is usually 16) then if you really like her..and she the same...you will wait a year.

you can still be friends in the meantime...maybe waiting will be more special than just jumping right in... :)

04-29-2002, 06:59 PM
I've always dated older men, it's never been an issue for them. I wonder if you're asking because you're wondering if she's mature enough for you? If you share the same interests, I say go for it.

05-01-2002, 04:01 PM
I dont think the age should be an issue either.... however their are alot of life lessons learned between 17 and 21... you just need to make sure that it would work.

However if you were my brother I'd smack the hell out of you for robbing the cradle. If she is in high school and you are not that is a HUGE difference in worlds. You need to take that into consideration.... also the fact that it's illegal to date anyone who is 17 in more areas.

I think age difference are fine, my boyfriend is 8 years older than I am and I love it! Just make sure you jive together

05-01-2002, 07:08 PM
Hi Mulder

At 21 you are still young, live a little. Don't get obsessed with this 1 girl, get out have fun, you may meet a lot more friends that you don't have to be drunk to like

05-01-2002, 10:44 PM
I live in a small city so most of the girls here (at least the good ones) are taken, so if i can meet a single one i will obssess about it. :)

Still i appreciate all your input, i have talked to her and i do believe that we have a lot in common, so i think it's a go...

05-07-2002, 10:08 PM
As long as you both are comfortable with the relationship and the age gap - then go for it.