View Full Version : Must share that

04-26-2002, 10:37 AM
I am very concerned. Today a 19 year old boy has shot at a school here in Erfurt in eastern Germany 17 people and himself. Mainly teachers, some few of the pupils and a policeman.
I...helpless...aaah, shit!

04-26-2002, 10:42 AM
It's always tragic when something like that happens and I fear that it's becoming a trendy thing to do. They need to ban guns don't they.

04-26-2002, 10:48 AM
ooooooh legend~ I think I love you!

German Steve~ I am so sorry that this has happened. It is soooo horrible when children feel so helpless, powerless in their lives that they turn to what they have repeatedly seen as a way to gain attention/ help, violence. That song "Youth of a Nation" pretty much says it all. My positive thoughts are flowing to those who are in the midst of this tragedy.

04-26-2002, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by Lilith
ooooooh legend~ I think I love you!

You do love me Lilith! :D

04-26-2002, 10:58 AM
Well they at least need to ban automatic and semi-automatic rifles and handguns....like they have done here in Australia. Nobody needs a gun like that for any reason. (except police etc)

04-26-2002, 11:01 AM
I have a feeling we do NOT want to start this conversation Legend...let's talk about sex or icecream.....

04-26-2002, 11:03 AM
Thank you. Yes, I agree with you about the wish for banning guns. But it seems to be more and more easy to have forbidden access to them. That guy had a pistol and a pumpgun, and at least the second one, probably both are impossible to get without "bigger" permission.
But he could do the attack, because he wanted.
We need to help to the helpless who cannot see any way out. We have to come back to a more peaceful life, a life with less competition, less reigned by money, and with more view for the problems of our neighbours.

04-26-2002, 11:06 AM
Well said Steve, im so sorry to hear what is happening. I to went through the pain of this type of thing in my home town. its hard to deal with, very hard....

04-26-2002, 11:13 AM
Lilith, it pains me to disagree with you....but running away never solved anything. I wanna argue about something! :D

04-26-2002, 11:19 AM
Legend~ let's argue about who will be on top first!;) One of the reasons we all get along so well here is that we tend to avoid serious discussions! Sex is safe... we all want it! If I have to get after you again Legend I will bring my whip .... now behave!:p

04-26-2002, 11:26 AM
Lilith - I will be on top of course....someone has to keep you under control :D

04-26-2002, 12:08 PM
Hi Steve, I am very saddened by the news of this tragedy which has occurred in your region of the world and I totally agree with your statement... people all over need to regain focus on the important things; Life, family, friends, doing good things for one another. After Sept. 11th this was brought into focus for us here in the U.S... Usually a commute driving to work was full of stress, being cut off, no one 'letting you in'... for about a month after that dreadful day in Sept, (maybe a little longer), people had there focus set on how good it was just to be able to drive to work instead of feeling (and driving) like they had to be in front of the next guy and get there first. (Regardless of the fact that they weren't going to the same place...) The point is, people were helping each other, instead of acting selfish. Uh,oh...

I'm on a soapbox....

04-26-2002, 02:41 PM
Steve, it's been going on way to long here already, tragic that it's spreading to your backyard.... Peace, y'all...

04-26-2002, 03:05 PM
Steve ---

So sorry to hear about that tragic situation... My heart goes out to everyone involved, and to the whole community.

*Big hugs to you and yours.*

--- sweetstuff

04-26-2002, 03:17 PM
While I agree with legend, I also do with Lilith, there are certain unspoken rules here, and that is why everyone gets along so well.
It is always a tragedy, and becoming an epidemic in the world.

It saddens me... Steve, my heart goes out to you.

04-26-2002, 03:44 PM
"When guns are outlawed; only outlaws will have them!"Once again;people are not taking responsibility for their actions.While it
is a horrible situation;The gun didn't kill those people!The asshole
that pulled the trigger did.When I had my motorcycle shop;I had a
concealed weapons permit.With the proper training;I think guns are perfectly safe.The trouble is that most people are too lazy to
get the proper training.I'll guarantee you that person didn't have a permit.To get a permit;you have to have;a physic evaluation,an
FBI records check,and they also check with the local police and the
Attorney General.On the other hand;when I owened my shop there;I knew most of the"underworld."If I went looking;I probably;could have bought a Handgun in 3mins.I;used to shoot
handguns competitively and they are perfectly safe.I wouldn't not
have one in my house. Irish
P.S.Be informed before you condemn something!

04-26-2002, 04:22 PM
Irish, I completely disagree. I've heard the argument before... Guns don't kill people. BS. It was the bullets from those guns that killed every victim there. Take the guns out of the situation and then what would the death toll be? On the coroner's report, what do you think the cause of death will be? I'm betting gunshot wound. As far as a permit goes, when someone is f'ed up enough to go on a killing spree, do you think they care about a permit? Innocent people DIE everyday regardless of proper training and safety classes. I've heard too many news stories of children showing off their parents guns and then, "I don't know what happened, it just went off!" So we end up with another dead child. I will NEVER have a gun in my house. Human life is WAY more important than owning a weapon that is designed and built to KILL. And this society has shown way to often that it cannot handle the responsibilty of owning such a destructive weapon. Call it protection if you want, it's designed to end a life... be it human or animal. I think I've known you long enough Irish, to know I'm not going to change your opinion, but you said youre peace, and I've just said mine. No hard feelings, but we are definitely on opposite sides considering this issue.

04-26-2002, 04:38 PM
We can either talk about sex, icecream, or you can line up for spankin's PICK ONE!!!!!!!
:cool: :cool: :p :cool: :cool: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>(crack!!)

04-26-2002, 05:01 PM
Lilith, can we agree to disagree at least.

04-26-2002, 05:08 PM
Yes ... of course Scarecrow..... I am being a bossy bitch...love all of you so much I hate to see people become upset with one another....

04-26-2002, 05:24 PM
OOH, Spank me, Spank me!!! :p :p :D

04-26-2002, 05:27 PM
Thank you all.
Now thank god the police corrected the number of victims down to 16. But there are still some (around 5) people seriously injured.
They say it was probably an act of revenge. The boy was not permitted to finish school and write the finishing exams because of his bad marks. They say that he hated the teachers.

Reading the discussion above I would like to tell something of my experiences with the amok cases around here of the recent years: At a rather high percentage of the cases they say in the news that the killer had been very interested in guns and usually had had already a collection of guns at home.
I think if somebody is really of this kind it does not matter if the guns are legal or not.
But if guns continue forbidden, and not every second household has a gun in the drawer, it keeps perhaps people away from starting the gun hobby.
I think one massive problem is the fact that we can see comparable things on TV every day. And we can get as much horror, blood and aggressions as we want on video and in computergames. How can you keep an objective view for the life if you are consuming dead people already on breakfast TV?

The dicussion is that difficult because there is no black and no white. I would like to ask you all for tolerating the other´s opinion also and listen what they have to say.

Again, thank you all.

04-26-2002, 05:29 PM
Well said again Steve!
The dicussion is that difficult because there is no black and no white. I would like to ask you all for tolerating the other´s opinion also and listen what they have to say.

04-26-2002, 06:57 PM
Aquaman43---Because I respect your way of thinking;I can see no
sense in argueing about things.I would just like to make clear;one
thing;about my childrens upbringing:They were taught;at a very;
young age to treat every gun as if it were loaded.I told them that I had never seen anyone killed with an empty gun.Never point a weapon at someone;unless you plan on shooting them.Never put
your finger in the trigger guard until you plan to shoot.Etc.In the
environment in which;I was around;I saw many altercations;not
happen;because one party knew a gun was present.Not used but
present.I stopped being an enforcer for motorcycle groups because;I didn't think that force was definately the awnser.
P.S.Different strokes;for different folks!

04-26-2002, 07:15 PM
well... I started a long reply to this and realized about 1/2 way though that this is one of those things in which opinions are not easily swayed regardless of the discussion that is had.

I'll just throw in my 0.02 and say that, for the most part, I agree with Irish on this one.

04-26-2002, 08:02 PM
Agree with Irish!!!

04-26-2002, 09:45 PM
before I talk ice cream I just wanted to say that banning guns will only cause those people who intend to kill to find another way to do it (hell if I wanted to I could get directions for making bombs) so what we must do is pay more attn: to our children frends and family and help them through there problems and teach peace and respect only through this will we solve this horible problem...... now has any one ever heard of canadian vanila icecream???

04-26-2002, 10:09 PM
I Agree With Irish Also!

GermanSteve , My Heart goes out to those Families...

04-27-2002, 12:57 AM
I have to say I am with Aquaman about this. (tries to hide from Lilith's whip)

04-27-2002, 05:50 AM
Irish, Aquaman43

Both of you have valid points and opinions for both sides of this argument.
And unfortunatly it is and argument which will continue to be debated for quite some time.

Personally, I was brought up to respect the power of firearms and then can relate to what Irish has to say.

On the other hand, I am LUCKY enough to be apart of a society that took matters to their conclusion after our own "Port Arthur Massacre" and made firearms illegle for the general public.

To be found in the possession of a firearm here, and not being registered to possess such a weapon, AND the weapon not being registered, IS a major F.U.B.A.R.

Although I will agree that this is not a perfect solution, as there will always be ppl whom can bypass the laws governing honest ppl.

It is the fact that we had made a stand, and stated that this will not be tolerated in our society.

Proudly Australian, and free to walk the streets safely.

04-27-2002, 10:47 AM
When hasn't there been a trade in illegal firearms? Of course it's not going to stop the organised gangs etc from possessing them. BUT, your everyday joe on the street isn't going to be able to go out and kill on a whim is he. He has to go obtain a weapon from somewhere and that gives him more time for reflection on the consequences of his actions.

04-27-2002, 02:11 PM
I...helpless...aaah, shit

I know how you feel. One of the first instances of this happened in central Ms. What a waste. What would make a person needlessly end innocent lives, as well as ruin or end his own?
It is truely a sad commentary on our modern society.

04-28-2002, 12:09 PM
Thank you all.
Here the new facts: The boy was member of a sports marksman association, so it was easy for him to legally access the guns. But he was at the same time somebody with a preference for a special man-shooting videogame and heavy metal music with texts like "kill your teacher" and as far as I remember for horror videos. Online he called himself son of satan, you know what I mean.
He only wanted to kill teachers, the two pupils had been killed when he shot through a closed door.

What is the use for banning guns if this kind of people is growing up in our society? I mean, the guns are a tool that is easy to get, banned or not. We need a society that cares for the helpless, as I said above already. It is just difficult to see the signs, obviously he did not behave very odd before. It is always necessary to keep ways for everybody open to solve problems and to release aggressions. I think a gun ban would have a marginal effect, but there are more important things to do before.

04-28-2002, 12:18 PM
Yeah, but who need an automatic weapon? They're only designed for one thing - rapid firing. That equates to rapid killing. People don't get a chance in those situations.

04-28-2002, 12:23 PM
I agree, that is just dangerous trash.

04-28-2002, 02:37 PM
It was with some desperately needed lucid PM’s from some Pixie people that I did not sin again and bring the insanity and frustration of life into our sanctuary when the Canadian soldiers were killed by my countries military.:( As hard as it is for me to agree with Lilith on something, I have to do it.:cool: It is not without conviction or opinion that I say I learned my lesson after my post last veterans day.
Pixies is my place of refuge and retreat from the world that will always be there to press and grind us into submitting to it’s regulations.:whiteghos All of us are quick to arms when we think someone has entered with commercial intent, or is offensive to one of the family. This is where we can discuss the merits of cummy panties or our happiest sexual memories. This is the only place I have for this and I like it.;)
You can PM me if anybody wants to talk about the insanity of the world or what you’ll meet when you come to hurt what I care about.:mad:

04-28-2002, 03:02 PM
The actual gun laws in Germany are more strict than the states. Or so I was told when we lived there. Not that it helps after-the-fact. There will allways be weapons. There will allways be a need for them. It's too bad when someone feels the need is there when it is really unnecessary. I'm tired of this thread, I hope everyone here is safe.


04-28-2002, 04:18 PM
So PF~ did you say sex or icecream? cause we can aways do both....:D:p Spread peace, love, and Phish food icecream and we will all be OK!

04-28-2002, 10:08 PM
Maybe we should keep it between our hearts as we make love, so it doesn’t melt.:p ;)

04-29-2002, 08:06 AM
German Steve. I haven't been around this past week, but I was very upset and saddened by the news.
I am sorry that your country has went through it's own "Colombine Shooting"...No child on this earth should be exposed to such violent danger and rage.... My heart goes out to all people involved.......

Just wish humanity would grow up and realise that GUNS KILL.

04-29-2002, 08:30 AM
I hate hearing about things like this. I did also read about the same story that a teacher had managed to lock the guy in a room after persuading him not to shoot. ~ what a brave guy..

If i had a wish i would love to destroy all guns and have us all forget how to make them!!

Now where was I ......oh yes....Lilith can i have some strawberrys with my ice cream?? Maybe you could whip the cream for me!!

04-29-2002, 10:22 AM
So sorry to hear that Steve...

its such a tragedy to hear this type of things happen so close to you. Its just happen so fast and you must be feeling so lost at the moment. Talk to your friends or your parents whom you may trust and tell them how you feel.

I wish you all the best and may god be with you always!

sassy 13
05-24-2002, 10:55 PM
I am not a very religious person but, I think the world started changing when they took prayers out of school. After that everything started going down hill. If you spank your child you could go to jail, yet your daughter can have an abortion without your knowlege. I could go on for hours about all the things society royally screwed up. I am 36 and when I was growing up all my Dad had to do was give me the look and I knew I'd get my ass smacked if I didn't tow the line. Kids run the household too much these days.