View Full Version : Headaches

04-18-2002, 07:58 AM
I'd like to know if anyone has ever gotten headaches from being exessively aroused or from masturbating. If so, what do you do to relieve them?

04-18-2002, 08:46 AM
Headaches are a common phenomenon under those

circumstances. A half hour's peace and you should be OK.

If worried or recurrent, see your medical professional.

04-18-2002, 09:48 AM
Masterbating usually cures my headaches!! :D

So I can't help you Souls...sorry.. :(

04-18-2002, 10:23 AM
I remember that when I was first trying out treatment options for my migraines, one of the solutions my doctor recommended was to try taking a back pain medication with a muscle relaxant (Robaxacet or something like that) --- it occurs to me that maybe, if your headaches are being caused by the tension of being on that sexual edge, the muscle relaxant might help. I'm no doctor, though, so I don't really know.

The other thing to try would be using a gel-pack at the base of your skull --- experiment to see if it's better heated or chilled.

My favourite headache remedy has to be my homemade version of those Magic Bag things you see on tv: I made a sachet (about 4" x 8") out of an old silk shirt (double layers of the silk are best), and filled it with a combination of lentils and dried lavender. Sounds funny, I know, but it feels marvellous just laid across the eyes or over the back of the neck. The silk makes it feel cool on the skin, the lentils give it a good weight that presses out the tension, and the lavender smells so relaxing... You can even throw it in the microwave for a minute to heat it if wanted.

I agree with OF, though, that if these headaches are really persistent, you should have them checked out. (Seems to me that you told me a few days ago that you were having this problem --- if it's still there, I think it's time to do something about it!)

Take good care, Souls!


--- sweetstuff

04-18-2002, 12:16 PM
I talked to a friend of mine, today, who works at the hospital. He said the headaches will slack off if I get more rest and up my vitamin intake. Most important he stressed getting some rest for a change. He says I'm more wound up than I was the first time he met me.

04-18-2002, 12:39 PM
sugarfree, your no kidding about the back pain muscle relaxing stuff, my man has just taken his (this site seems to have indirectly put more than usual stress on his back :) )

and he is absolutely out for the count

I suppose the blow job i just gave him may have had something to do with it tho hehehe

Souls cry - I hope you can chill and rest tho - maybe a massage would be sensual but not too mind blowing?

04-18-2002, 02:51 PM
I think my system is in need of some r&r. Oh and people thanx for the idea the pain killers are awesome. I'll be up and around after I come down.