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07-29-2003, 02:09 PM
Nope, but plenty of my friends do.

The person below me prefers sex slow and sensual over fast and hard.

07-29-2003, 02:46 PM
I usually do.

The patient below me has a patient lover.

07-29-2003, 03:59 PM
<-------raises her hand.

The person below me wants to see a movie soon.

07-29-2003, 04:23 PM
I heard the hulk stinks, but I still wanta see it.

The person below me wants to star in a movie.

07-29-2003, 05:14 PM
Ive always wanted to be an actor, maybe some day it will come true.

the person below me wants to co-star with me and have a steamy on screen sex scene!!! ;)

07-29-2003, 06:44 PM
Don't think that well happen.

The person below me has watch an interesting sex scene recently.

07-29-2003, 07:52 PM
Yep, sure did.

The person below me has had a good conversation lately.

07-29-2003, 07:55 PM
Yup, happen to be with a Pixies member.

The person below me prefers to sleep in the nude.

07-29-2003, 07:58 PM

The person below me needs something someone else has.

07-29-2003, 08:39 PM
That would be me.

The person below me is tired and wants to go to sleep.

07-29-2003, 08:40 PM
Yes, but I have a ton to do tonight.

The person below me needs to clean house.

07-29-2003, 08:42 PM
Sure do, more ways than one.

The person below me is masturbating as we read.

07-29-2003, 08:49 PM
That is me.

The person below me is wish they could be masturbating now.

07-29-2003, 08:49 PM
That would be me.

The person below me has extreme sexual thoughts.

07-29-2003, 08:51 PM
All evening!

The person below me is going to ravage their s/o.

07-29-2003, 09:07 PM
I might.

The person below me likes to sing, too.

07-29-2003, 09:09 PM

The person below me plays an instrument.

07-29-2003, 09:10 PM

The person below me wants to karaoke with me.

07-29-2003, 09:11 PM

The person below me wants the chance to play my flute.

08-01-2003, 02:55 PM
I didn't even know you had one. Did you play it in marching band?

The person below me had sweet dreams last night.

08-01-2003, 03:12 PM
From what I remember, they were pretty good. :)

The person below me is allergic to some type of food.

08-01-2003, 03:16 PM
Well, I used to be allergic to eggs, and I have a daughter with a peanut allergy. Does that count?

The person below me wants to get one of those Pussy Snorkel Lilith is referring to in the "Wishes" thread. ;)

08-01-2003, 04:28 PM
I must admit it does sound interesting. My lung capacity isn't what it used to be.

The person below me wishes they were below someone else.

08-01-2003, 04:38 PM
That's not a very nice statement, is it? I don't think the view from here is bad at all. :)

The person below me can't find something.

08-01-2003, 06:44 PM
That release I need.

The person below me is READY!

08-01-2003, 06:46 PM
Lilith says my oven is on preheat at all times. ;)

The person below me might know how to fan my flames.

08-01-2003, 07:15 PM
Bake or Broil?

The person below me can get a rise out of me.

08-01-2003, 07:54 PM
Well you told me so!!!!;) :hot:

The person below me likes a cowgirl.;)

08-01-2003, 08:33 PM
C'mon...who doesn't like a cowgirl?

The person below me is craving something bad for them.

08-01-2003, 08:46 PM
But it will feel so good.

The person below me is feeling especially naughty.

08-01-2003, 09:33 PM
well I always do but I guess that qualifies...

The person below me wants to lick the salt from my rim;)

08-03-2003, 12:39 PM
The rim of your maragarita glass, yes..................;)

The person below me has fantasized about having sex with someone of another race.

08-03-2003, 01:36 PM
Yes...but it always involves more than one person and myself.

The person below me has always wanted to be kissed ALL over.

08-03-2003, 01:38 PM
Yep. Have a few inches a few places that haven't been touched yet.

The person below me is dreading something.

08-03-2003, 01:42 PM
Yes. Being separated from the person above me.

The person below me likes strawberries.

08-03-2003, 01:44 PM
For the most part. :D

The person below me collects something.

08-03-2003, 01:49 PM
Coins and books.

The person below me likes cake...and more cake.

08-03-2003, 01:50 PM
Yep. Like to have my cake and eat it, too. ;)

The person below me knows where they want to be tonight.

08-03-2003, 01:58 PM
With you...Where are you IAKG???

The person below me loves to have foot massages with lots of lotion and fingers running between the toes.

08-03-2003, 02:01 PM
Um, that sounds very wonderful. :D

The person below me wants to be outside.

08-03-2003, 03:46 PM
Nah, it's CoLd out there!!!

The person below likes the cold

08-03-2003, 07:16 PM
Nope can't really say that.

The person below me wishes the weekends were longer.

08-03-2003, 07:26 PM
I sure do!!

The person below me wishes they could spend more quality time with their S/O.

08-03-2003, 07:42 PM
Yes but work on both ends don't allow that.

The person below me had a better day then yesterday.

08-03-2003, 08:40 PM
Oh, not necessarily. Kind of glad today is over.

The person below me woke up before anyone else in his/her household.

08-03-2003, 09:01 PM
LOL - not with a little one in the house...

The person below me would like to get a tatoo..

08-04-2003, 03:33 AM

The person below has not long finished work for the day

08-04-2003, 08:44 PM
I'm always working.

The person below me has something to look forward to.

08-04-2003, 09:00 PM
Yes looking forward to the weekend.

The person below me is glad tonight is almost over.

08-04-2003, 09:02 PM
Very much so. Bed looks better all of the time.

The person below me needs to do some car repair.

08-04-2003, 09:24 PM
Yep...bloody expensive stuff too *L*

The person below wants to have an affair

08-04-2003, 09:28 PM
I'm not sure it can be classified as an affair if your S/O knows about it.

The person below me is taking some time off soon.

08-04-2003, 09:31 PM
The person below me once wrestled an alligator :p

08-04-2003, 10:16 PM
Not really in this life time.

The person below me wants to go to bed.

08-04-2003, 11:06 PM
Miles to go before I sleep...

The person below is just gettin started!

08-05-2003, 05:23 AM
Yep, bright and early this morning.

The person below me intrigues people with his or her yawn.

08-05-2003, 12:32 PM
LOL - visions of oral splendor?

The person below me is at work sneaking onto Pixies. :D

08-05-2003, 12:33 PM
Not me unnnn uhhhhhh....:D

The person below me is having sex at work?

08-05-2003, 12:37 PM
I wish! I can see the bedroom from here. :D

The person below me is now thinking about sex.

08-05-2003, 12:47 PM

The person below me likes to be tied up... :lust:

08-05-2003, 12:52 PM
Bring it on sexy

The person below likes to take control

08-05-2003, 01:44 PM
Okay, line up everyone. Column of two's. Hurry, hurry, hurry!


The person below me is ready for a nap.

08-05-2003, 01:46 PM
Yes, fighting a sleep attack right now.

The person below me heard something nice recently.

08-05-2003, 02:06 PM
I did. A guy came into the gas station I've been working at and said, ever think you'd like to change jobs? He said it wasn't often he met store personnel that were so friendly and outgoing and he'd like to have me apply.

Not really planning on it, but it was a nice compliment.

The person below me loves children.

08-05-2003, 02:09 PM
Yeah~~~~~~got two of my own~~~~~generally have loads of the little b,....er,........ angels around!!!!!!!!~~~~~not long till school staerts back!

the person below loves animals

08-05-2003, 04:20 PM
Yes, I do, even though I'm allergic to most of them.

The person below me likes blue ink.

08-05-2003, 04:42 PM
I LOVE blue ink!

The person below me has a prison tattoo!

08-05-2003, 05:06 PM
Nope none here.

The person below me has a wonderful evening planned.

08-05-2003, 05:06 PM
Quiet time...the word for the day is "quiet time."

The person below me is waiting on something.

08-05-2003, 05:24 PM
Yes an answer to a question.

The person below me is glad the weekend is getting closer.

08-05-2003, 05:26 PM
Very glad...lots of anticipatory excitement building.

The person below me should check his or her PM box.

08-05-2003, 06:06 PM
Probably should but am holding out for excitement.

The person below me is having a hard time reaching out and touching someone.

08-05-2003, 06:07 PM
I've had to reboot the damn computer twice in the last 15 minutes. Grrrrrr.

The person below me wants to dance.

08-05-2003, 06:09 PM

The person below me is singing.

08-05-2003, 06:10 PM
Yep, still am. That's how you can tell if I've had a good day or not. ;)

The person below me likes arcade games.

08-05-2003, 06:13 PM

Books please. The person below me likes quiet time.

08-05-2003, 06:14 PM
Very much...just don't get as much as I'd like.

The person below me ice skates.

08-05-2003, 06:16 PM
Not really would rather roller skate.

The person below me loves watching movies.

08-05-2003, 06:16 PM
Not a f'ing chance, you should have seen the knot on my head!

The person below me rollerblades.

08-05-2003, 06:20 PM
Yes, movies, no, rollerblades. Have enough trouble with the ice skates I own. :D

The person below me knows about auras.

08-05-2003, 06:22 PM
Enough to know that I pay no attention.

The person below me is paying attention.

08-05-2003, 06:23 PM
To many things. I'm a multi-tasker.

The person below me needs me to come clean their carpets (or come help me with mine!)

08-05-2003, 06:26 PM
I'd be a good helper...with all my frustrations, I'd be scrubbing really hard.

The person below me would be good at consoling me.

08-05-2003, 06:27 PM
I always have an available shoulder.

The person below me wishes life were more simple.

08-05-2003, 06:31 PM
We make it difficult ourselves.

The person below me thinks I'm nuts.

08-05-2003, 07:52 PM
Only a little, and I still like you anyway.

The person below me knows the "Slinky" theme song.

08-05-2003, 09:10 PM
I wish that I knew the "Slinky" theme song...can you teach it to me?

The person below me needs hugs.

08-05-2003, 09:12 PM
Definitely me.

The person below me has an overflowing address book.

08-05-2003, 09:13 PM
I store it in my brain.

The person below me likes love songs.

08-05-2003, 09:17 PM
But I do not have the voice to sing them.

The person below me likes long walks in the moonlight.

08-05-2003, 09:18 PM
Yep. Had a few lately--moon is still out at 5:30 a.m. :)

The person below me has a pleasant thought tonight.

08-05-2003, 09:21 PM
Yes but the bugs are bad in the moonlight.

The person below me has to go to bed early tonight.

08-05-2003, 09:26 PM
And hopefully it will not be alone.

The person below me likes to participate in sex games.

08-05-2003, 09:34 PM
yes I do.;)

The person below me plays Head Games.

08-05-2003, 10:07 PM
hehehe... depends upon the head... :lust:

The person below me likes to ride horses.........

08-05-2003, 10:41 PM
I do. I haven't in several years, but I love to.

The person below me has or is thinking of buying a horse.

08-05-2003, 10:45 PM
No, but hubby would very much like one...

The person below me likes to eat oysters on the half shell...

08-06-2003, 05:13 AM
No. For some reason I've never had the urge.

The person below me is expecting it to rain all day. :(

08-06-2003, 05:41 AM
I stay in Scotland!~~~~if it doesn't rain at some point today I will be surprized!!!

The person below loves walking in the rain

08-06-2003, 07:54 AM
I *used* to...then things like growing up seem to get in the way.

The person below me wants to perform for someone.

08-06-2003, 08:41 AM
Actually, this might be a fun day to go out and walk in the rain. Maybe even take some pictures. Hmmm. Would that be performing?

The person below me will offer their opinion.

08-06-2003, 09:25 AM
Sure. I have lots of them, but I usually keep them to myself. Just ask, though.

The person below me ran out of something today.

08-06-2003, 09:55 AM
So true - patience! I'm surrounded by idiots.

The person below me is in the mood for PB & J for lunch.

08-06-2003, 01:10 PM
mmmmmmmmmmmm, sounds pretty good right now.

The person below me is thinking about having some fun tonight.

08-06-2003, 01:13 PM
Yes!! My parents are going to Milwaukee for a baseball game...so I'm just imaginging what to do tonight!!

The person below me has just gotten something cool in the mail.

08-06-2003, 01:15 PM
My tax return from Sacramento, yay!!!

The person below me is going to attend a sporting event tonight.

08-06-2003, 01:21 PM
Not unless wacking off has been officially declared a sport! Man, I can't wait for my wife to get back home.

The person below me needs new glasses.

08-06-2003, 01:22 PM
I do and so will you!!!!!

The person below me needs no glasses!

08-06-2003, 01:47 PM
Didn't need them until I got married!

The person below me wants a motorcycle.

08-06-2003, 01:53 PM
Ya'. I need something to play with in the desert.

The person below me needs release.

08-06-2003, 02:22 PM
Yes, but highly unlikely I'll get it anytime soon.

The person below me talks to himself or herself.

08-06-2003, 02:53 PM
I'm talking to myself about your lack of release, that's for damn sure!

The person below me really should get to the dry cleaners one of these days.

08-06-2003, 02:57 PM
I don't go hearly as often now that I'm not in the office regularly. Probably should get some things cleaned, though.

The person below me needs to refill a prescription.

08-06-2003, 03:26 PM
Is it that obvious? ha ha

The person below me doesn't feel like cooking tonight.

08-06-2003, 03:28 PM
Yes, that's me. Need to pick up the car from the shop, teach vacation bible school...think everyone is on their own tonight.

The person below me is waiting on a call.

08-06-2003, 03:33 PM
The call from space...aliens will contact me soon

The person below me is wet?

08-06-2003, 03:34 PM
Been that way most of the afternoon.

The person below me is drifting north.

08-06-2003, 03:55 PM
Funny, just moved my chair ... north! You are amazing, IAKG. :D :D

The person below me is impressed, too.

08-06-2003, 04:25 PM
Totally impressed! She's good. Almost like she's got a camera. Hmmm, you might wanna take another look at that new teddy bear on your mantle.

The person below me is questioning their sanity.

08-06-2003, 04:27 PM
LOL! I am after the above two posts!

The person below me has a new swimming suit.

08-06-2003, 04:50 PM
True! Just this past summer. Our guests were starting to complain about my clothing optional pool rule.

The person below me is scared of clowns.

08-06-2003, 06:44 PM
False. Although I wouldn't want to wake up beside one. :D

The person below me sits by Ronald McDonald when they can.

08-06-2003, 07:02 PM
Have had my picture taken with him.

The person below me eats at Mc Donalds alot.

08-06-2003, 07:06 PM
Sometimes. Especially if I'm late or something, may pick up a sandwich off their dollar menu.

The person below me likes the feel of suede.

08-06-2003, 07:11 PM
well only when is suede knickers!! (they do exist Honest!)

Ther person below me has a fetish with aubergines!

08-06-2003, 07:27 PM
Not here.
The person below me is a smut games aholic.

08-06-2003, 07:33 PM
i am now ;)

below me will be a great big fat greek wedding fan ?

08-06-2003, 07:50 PM
Don't know haven't seen it.

The person below me watches to many movies.

08-06-2003, 08:15 PM
Maybe just the same ones over and over. (MBFGW is an awesome movie!)

The person below me is deliriously happy.

08-06-2003, 08:46 PM
Ask me on Friday.

The person below me is cleaning for guests.

08-06-2003, 08:47 PM
Unfortunately...and I'm following messy children around the house as I do so.

The person below me saw something funny today.

08-06-2003, 08:53 PM
yes.... my son coated in sticky fun dip powder

The person below me likes to be aggressive in bed.

08-06-2003, 08:54 PM
I've been known to get what I want.

The person below me is good at following directions.

08-06-2003, 08:55 PM
Yes, mamm. :)

The person below me has a whip.

08-06-2003, 09:16 PM
Two - cause goin into a critical situation without a backup is just plain stupid!

The person below me is deep in thought.

08-06-2003, 09:23 PM
Yes, I have big decisions to make very soon.

The person below me has a box of personal treasures they've saved over the years.

08-07-2003, 03:39 AM
Actually, a couple of boxes. :)

The person below me is very sentimental.

08-07-2003, 05:15 AM
Can be a bit!

The person below cries at sad movies

08-07-2003, 05:34 AM
Maybe not cry, but at least feel a lump in my throat.

The person below me is really happy this morning.

08-07-2003, 06:35 AM
Yes, one day closer to the weekend.

The person below me has an upset stomach.

08-07-2003, 07:20 AM
No. I just fell over. Now I'm upright again. :D

The person below me has to work today.

08-07-2003, 07:32 AM
Yep. Should probably be doing it now.

The person below me needs an attitude adjustment.

08-07-2003, 02:39 PM
Somebody slap me.

The person below me missed lunch.

08-07-2003, 02:41 PM
I did. Oops.

The person below me needs a foot massage.

08-07-2003, 02:49 PM
I'd love one. I have nice feet too, but they're ticklish so be gentle.

The person below me is thinking of painting a room.

08-07-2003, 03:54 PM
Actually, I'm thinking of painting the town red.

The person below me likes to hang out.

08-07-2003, 03:56 PM
Does letting it all hang out count?

The person below me is craving red meat.

08-07-2003, 04:00 PM
Yep, thinking about grilling hamburgers for dinner. Or is that not what you meant?

The person below me has had a busy day.

08-07-2003, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by IAKaraokeGirl
Yep, thinking about grilling hamburgers for dinner. Or is that not what you meant?

I'll never tell! :hot:

And believe it or not, it has been quite a busy day.

The person below me needs a tall, iced tea.

08-07-2003, 04:14 PM
That sounds good but I am more needy than that.

The person below me needs a good stiff cocktail.

08-07-2003, 04:15 PM
Yes, that would be nice. Need to prepare for my mother's arrival tonight.

The person below me takes charge.

08-07-2003, 04:16 PM
Doin' it, doin' it.

The person below me is in charge.

08-07-2003, 04:17 PM
Someone's gotta keep the knuckleheads in order!

The person below me prefers wine.

08-07-2003, 04:18 PM
Definitely over beer. Yuck!

The person below me likes dip with their chips.

08-07-2003, 04:21 PM
I see a perfect place from which to savor some.

The person below me likes to kiss while dipping.

08-07-2003, 04:22 PM
I like to kiss, period.

The person below me knows the right moves.

08-07-2003, 04:22 PM
I would hope so!

The person below me appreciates the right moves and has some of their own.

08-07-2003, 04:24 PM
You just never know with me.

The person below me reads children's books.

08-07-2003, 04:25 PM
Every night with my daughter.

The person below me reads smutty books.

08-07-2003, 05:09 PM
Gees Denny, you make it sound so dirty when you say it like that. Erotica sounds more cultural!

The person below me missed a deadline recently.

08-07-2003, 05:23 PM
<----------is searching her brain. I'm sure I have--I just don't know what it was!

The person below me is ready to party.

08-07-2003, 05:27 PM
Party of one - empty house. :(

The person below me needs to burn off some steam.

08-07-2003, 05:27 PM
Yes, getting ready to finish cleaning before my family gets here.

The person below me wants to help.

08-07-2003, 05:29 PM
But he's halfway across the country...and has his own house to clean up!

The person below me needs a maid costume!

08-07-2003, 05:30 PM
It might make me more excited about cleaning, at least.

The person below me watches wrestling.

08-07-2003, 07:11 PM
Yes ever Monday.

The person below me doesn't want to get dressed yet.

08-07-2003, 07:13 PM
That would be me. Man, I love having the house to myself. ;)

The person below me needs no inspiration.

08-07-2003, 07:53 PM
That is me.

The person below me is inspired anyways.

08-07-2003, 07:54 PM
In many areas.

The person below me knows some games to play.

08-07-2003, 08:24 PM
Yes can play smut games.

The person below me is getting excited.

08-07-2003, 08:25 PM
I am. My sister is almost here, and it's almost Friday.

The person below me likes Def Leppard, too.

08-07-2003, 08:46 PM
Yep I do.

The person below me is interested in crop circles

08-07-2003, 08:48 PM
I'm into all the mysterious crap.

The person below me wants to borrow my Encyclopedia of Serial Killers book.

08-07-2003, 09:47 PM
I don't think so...

The person below me likes moonlight and cuddling.

08-07-2003, 09:47 PM
That would make for some interesting reading, I'm sure.

The person below me has a hankering for some ice cream.

08-07-2003, 09:49 PM
I am so slow! Cuddling in the moonight is nice. Hold me tight? ha ha

And the person below me STILL has a hankering for some ice cream.

08-07-2003, 10:28 PM
LOL. I'm eating some as I read your post. :D :D

The person below me is ready for bed.

08-08-2003, 12:22 AM
I am, but my parents have yet to arrive. Sheesh.

The person below me wants has a hangnail.

08-08-2003, 03:35 AM
"wants?" LOL IAKG ... you are tired. :)

Nope, no hangnail, and certainly don't want one. :D

The person below me is going out for breakfast.

08-08-2003, 03:45 AM

The person below is a coca cola addict

08-08-2003, 03:46 AM
Could be. ;) Drinking one now.

The person below me prefers Pepsi over Coke.

08-08-2003, 06:39 AM
No way!

The person below loves Lord of the Rings

08-08-2003, 09:00 AM
yes~~~~~~~~~great film~~~~~~~~~~~~tried to read the book many years ago~but was too young to follow it

the person below is too tired to do any work!

08-08-2003, 09:20 AM
Yes...lack of sleep will do that to you.

The person below me is glad it's Friday.

08-08-2003, 10:23 AM
Fridays are nice, but I'm glad every day.

The person below me has their a/c on.

08-08-2003, 10:45 AM
Yes, but mostly because I have company.

The person below me needs to take his or her shower.

08-08-2003, 11:00 AM
You have company and you're STILL posting at pixies? Now that's dedication. *hands IAKG a perfect attendance award*

The only perk of not working at home is that I have to shower each morning!

The person below me just scratched another item on their "Things To Do" list.

08-08-2003, 11:16 AM
Yep--finished packing the kids' clothes. Once I take *my* shower, I can finish packing completely. :)

(Thanks for the award--but I think it just proves I'm addicted!)

The person below me saw something interesting on the drive this morning.

08-08-2003, 12:08 PM
I think I saw a dead possum...

The person below me is naked?

08-08-2003, 12:36 PM
No, but I've yet to take my shower yet. That usually involves nakedness.

The person below me has suggestions.

08-08-2003, 12:37 PM
You don't know the half of it.

The person below me doesn't want to hear them.

08-08-2003, 02:51 PM
That's not exactly true.

The person below me saves plastic grocery bags.

08-08-2003, 03:44 PM
Only because I have to (doggie business).

The person below me saves jars.

08-08-2003, 03:45 PM
I try to limit it to one box of jars. Anything more than that is excessive.

The person below me just got good news.

08-08-2003, 03:54 PM
Another tax retuen check is in. WooHoo!!

The person below me just got some bad news.

08-08-2003, 04:22 PM
Yeah ... gotta work next Saturday and Sunday. :(

The person below me doesn't mind working weekends.

08-08-2003, 05:11 PM
That might be taking it too far but I work plenty.

The person below me doesn't mind working late.

08-09-2003, 01:05 AM
The person below me would enjoy giving me a bare bottom spanking or at least tell me to self spank in the shower

08-09-2003, 01:14 AM
I would do both!

The person below me hasn't been drinking enough water lately.

08-09-2003, 01:35 AM
only because I thirst for something stronger with the scent of sex

the person below me would offer me a sip

08-09-2003, 01:46 AM
Undistilled sex, yum!

The person below me craves eating an unusual dish.

08-09-2003, 01:56 AM
It is not so unusual... as half the world provides it and more that half crave it..

the person below me will wish me good night

08-09-2003, 01:58 AM
Good night vicky!

The person below me still has notebooks (and possibly other stuff!) from classes going as far back as junior high.

08-09-2003, 10:11 AM
Yes have my drawing notebooks from school.

The person below me is having a good day so far.

08-09-2003, 10:33 AM
I am - just assigned a new story, brekkie's being cooked, did a bit of housework and it's my Friday!

The person below me plans to do nothing but relax tomorrow.

08-09-2003, 12:03 PM
That's pretty well true. Go to church and maybe relax a bit on our patio. Sounds good to me.

The person below me has a busy day planned for tomorrow.

08-09-2003, 04:20 PM
Got to take the dog to the boarding kennel for his "holiday".... other than that..... nope!!

The person below me has a dog too

08-09-2003, 05:12 PM
Yep...my little poochie :D

The person below has more than 2 dogs

08-09-2003, 05:20 PM
Well, at over 7 stone, I guess he's big enough for two!!!

The person below me needs to take their dog for a walk soon!

08-09-2003, 10:56 PM
Nope. I don't have a dog and my cat hates leashes.

The person beloiw me needs a hug

08-10-2003, 12:03 AM
Had a prick of a week..so yep

The person below has had a mongrel week too

08-10-2003, 12:06 AM
Yep. <sigh>

The person below me likes hot showers

08-10-2003, 12:16 AM
hot showers for me involve self spanking and masturbation
So, the person below me will send me orders to self spank to v_day@hotmail.cm

08-10-2003, 12:04 PM
Well...not actually I don't plan on it. (sorry vicky)

The person below me likes chocolate

08-10-2003, 12:41 PM
Yes, I like it A LOT.

The person below me prefers frozen yogurt over ice cream.

08-10-2003, 06:17 PM
On occasion, especially if I'm watching what I eat.

The person below me is getting a tan.

08-10-2003, 07:03 PM
I really worked on it this weekend.

The person below me wants to travel and meet someone.

08-10-2003, 07:23 PM
There are lots of people here I'd love to meet.

The person below me is biding his or her time.

08-10-2003, 07:31 PM
I guess so.

In particular, there are a lot of Pixies I hope someday I/my wife and I can meet.

08-10-2003, 07:49 PM

The person below is eating

08-10-2003, 07:51 PM
No, but getting ready to leave to eat in a few minutes.

The person below me is waiting for someone to get off the phone, too.

08-11-2003, 02:12 AM
Nope. Yet another advantage of having cablemodem. ;)

The person below me had to comfort a friend this weekend.

08-11-2003, 10:56 AM
It was nice.

The person below me was very happy this weekend.

08-11-2003, 10:58 AM
Had very happy moments, true.

The person below me saw something interesting recently.

08-11-2003, 11:11 AM
Always see things interesting.

The person below me is trying to warm up.

08-11-2003, 11:13 AM
Just my legs. I need leg warmers. :)

The person below me needs to get to the store.

08-11-2003, 11:50 AM
Maybe the auto parts store.

The person below me is hoping for a fast week.

08-11-2003, 11:51 AM
Yes...or just a relief from my current stress level. :)

The person below me is concerned about something.

08-11-2003, 08:56 PM
Yes stress levels

The person below me has dreams no one can take away.

08-11-2003, 08:59 PM
I have many dreams. They are what keeps me going sometimes.

The person below me is naked.

08-11-2003, 09:00 PM
In your dreams!!!!

The person below me is wishing they were naked.

08-11-2003, 09:01 PM
Yep. That would mean that my house is empty. :D

The person below me needs to make a phone call.

08-11-2003, 09:02 PM
If the kid goes to sleep maybe.

The person below me has all pieces together.

08-11-2003, 09:04 PM
In YOUR Dreams!

The person below me is getting tired.

08-11-2003, 09:05 PM
I haven't had a heck of a lot of sleep lately. Took an hour's nap this afternoon, and expect to be awake when my family leaves at 2:00 a.m.

The person below me needs some attention.

08-11-2003, 09:07 PM
Soooooooooo needy!

The person below me willl take a sigh of relief tonight.

08-12-2003, 04:39 AM
Actually, it's this morning with cable service returned.

The person below me is tired.

08-12-2003, 05:20 AM
LOL! VERY! but can't sleep.

The person below me got a good nights sleep.

08-12-2003, 06:17 AM
Yes, but not long enough.

The person below me needs a workout.

08-12-2003, 07:17 AM
Just got one. Took dog for a walk this morning.

The person below me is stress free.

08-12-2003, 07:30 AM
I am in a killer mood today :D

The person below me is chewing gum

08-12-2003, 07:32 AM
No, but I'm looking for something to occupy my mouth.

The person below me feels fortunate.

08-12-2003, 07:38 AM
Today and always.

The person below me needs release

08-12-2003, 07:44 AM
Yep, and I hope to finally get it today.

The person below me has a fight on his or her hands.

08-12-2003, 08:28 AM
With the in-laws!! Grrrrrr!!!

The person below me has visited a barber in the last week.

08-12-2003, 08:40 AM
To take my daughter, the self-imposed hairstylist.

The person below me likes relaxing on the weekends.

08-12-2003, 08:51 AM
me ..on the beach preferably

The person below me has fallen asleep on the beach.

08-12-2003, 10:40 AM
Ain't it grand!

The person below me is nervous about sharks.

08-12-2003, 12:12 PM
Depends on how big the sharks are and which side of the glas I'm on LOL

The person below me is putting off doing work too.

08-12-2003, 12:19 PM
Yes, trying to work out some anger currently.

The person below me needs to get some film developed.