View Full Version : The Best

03-31-2002, 03:55 PM
Who's the best partner you've ever had and why?

Kyttn is the best partner I've ever had. Because of her attitude towards all things sexual. She's mentioned before that she can act many parts and she does. She is a tease. That's not a bad thing. It's actually one of the things I love about her. She doesn't try to hide things from me. She's completely up front. She doesn't say that she really enjoys my company and tell others something different. If there's something she likes or dislikes she usually tells me, even if it was from another relationship. She finds my jeolousy over some things to be an endearing trait.

(Sorry got a bit long winded there.)

03-31-2002, 04:55 PM
I would have to say that my very first lover was the best. I say that because he was attentive to every erogenous zone and every other kind of zone besides! He had large hands and he made exquisite use of them. Looking back on it, it's rather amazing to me because he was just 21 at the time. Of course I was only 16, so he was decidedly an "older man" to me at the time. I often wonder where he is and what became of him.

03-31-2002, 06:10 PM
Souls~ That would be like forcing me to choose a favorite song..... Each one has had an important role in making me the sexual being I am today. The ones who were young studs who took me where ever and when ever, taught me about being spontaneous and adventurous. The ones I loved, taught me about how to please. But the one I choose is the one who has taught me about allowing myself to be pleased. Sappy I know.......

03-31-2002, 08:12 PM
Well Lil, I always have to ask the hard questions.

03-31-2002, 09:17 PM
this is a difficult question. i also feel everyone i've been with has been great in one way or another and has taught me something. but, for the actual answer to the question, it would be my best friend at the moment. we connect on so many levels, and sex is just one of them. also he is willing to do most of the kinky things i enjoy. i've realized a lot of people get freaked out when i mention my fetishes, he,on the other hand, enjoys them as much as i do.

03-31-2002, 09:24 PM
Ash - do not underestimate the value of a lover whose perversions match your own - could be a keeper there...

03-31-2002, 10:31 PM
aside from lilith and all the other pixies woman swimming around in my head I would have to say that my wife is the best lover I have had she is completely uninhibited(sp?) and is the only person I have been with that can keep up with me in that area

Nice Guy
04-01-2002, 12:16 AM
I would have to say my first girl friend. She was very sensitive and loved to just cuddle and take it slow most nights. Occassionally she was just ready to rip off the clothes and go at it. We had a lot of fun.

04-01-2002, 03:30 AM
Probably being a bit shallow here, but the best was usually

the current love of my life.

Still is.

04-01-2002, 08:20 AM
it have to be the lady that i mentioned in other threads....she was my first....she cared enough to show me how to please a woman....and how to get away with quickies........
all she talked about and patiently showed me has made me take the time to explore what interest my current best lover....my wife of about ten years now....

04-01-2002, 02:46 PM
Everyone has taught me something be that good or bad....but at the risk of being mooshy MrX has my heart and mind, oh and body :D
- he makes me so much a better, stronger person....

04-02-2002, 01:38 AM
It has to be my wife.....she is fantastic in bed. She is a great lover and i really have a friend in her. She is the only women i have slept with that made me cry after sex - because the sex was so good not because she beat me ( although that would be good too):D :D ;) ;)

04-04-2002, 11:29 AM
Mater1012 my current b/f. He's open to anything, a MAJOR torturer, and a real hottie. We can discuss anything and he tells me EVERYTHING. (even the fantasies about my best friends!) He can touch me in ways no one else can! And his tongue is a deadly weapon....

04-04-2002, 09:05 PM

She is a very open woman and loves to do stuff with me. And as for the torture thing she mentioned, it's not that bad - I just play with her and tease her till she is going nuts and then I will oral her, making sure not to take her all the way until she's beeon on the edge of having an orgasm, then finally I will take her all the way - draining her of strength..

She loves to mess with my ass and finger me, luckily I absolutely love it, did not know what happiness was till she fingered me while giving me a handjob, that was great :rolleyes:

04-08-2002, 05:40 PM
It is a hard question... especially for us bi ladies. Being with a woman is just so different.....not better though.

I guess it would have to be my s/o. Maybebecause we have been together for so long I can be totally uninhibited. Or because we explore our sexuality together. I have never been with a better lover. Different, not better.

04-09-2002, 05:26 PM
hard to say to chose just one i learn new thing about
my self and them every time can't even chose male
or female