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03-15-2002, 07:45 PM
When me and my girlfriend first had sex, I of course used a condom, and ever since then she has had this "itch" on her vagina. She always gets cuts from herself. And I am usually prohibited from pleasing her because I would just end up hurting her. It's has been about like 8 or 9 months since, and she still itches. It's getting better now, but both her and I don't know the cause or any solution to this.
We thought it might have been the condom, it was a Trojan with Spermacide. But could it of done this? And is there any way to help her? So that I can once again please her without having to worry about hurting her?
Thanks! (in advance for any advice)

03-15-2002, 07:48 PM
yes there are MANY people who cant use spermacide condoms. As for it being 8-9 months she should have already seen a doc, they would be able to help her with the itching. I would never had gone that long with the pain of that.. A doc might even be able to tell you what you can use instead of that :)


03-15-2002, 08:01 PM
Yeah, I suggested going to a doctor, but her parents are totally phyco, and they would not let her. So that won't really happen :( but, she is getting better. :) I just don't want to mess her up anymore. I guess we should try the non-spermacide condoms. But, she then says that the only way we are going to have sex is if she's on the pill. She is very carefull, but I don't blame her. I think I would do the same thing if I was her.

03-15-2002, 08:03 PM
um she really does need to see a doc, there are lots of places thats she can go. Most places wont tell, im thinking she is under 18 ? I dont know what else to tell you sept she really does need to see a doc, if she has been hurting for that long it may be something else......

03-15-2002, 08:33 PM
She actually just turned 18, and it's not that she's in horrible pain all the time, just when I try to pleasure her. I won't see her for a little while though, another week :( But I'll tell her, and see what she thinks is best about the doctor thing.
It's not as major as you are probably thinking though.
But it is a long time. but I think it's because she actually scratches it all the time, that doesn't help it any, but I know she can't really help it either.

03-15-2002, 08:36 PM
does it happen every time she has sex with you or is it all the time ? I would have to say that you just need to make sure that tihngs are clean, hands fingers etc. Also do you go down on her all the time ? If you have a dirty mouth then that will cause her to itch also. If you do go down on her just make sure that you BRUSH your teeth first :) I had that trouble so now my hubby makes sure he brushes first...

03-15-2002, 08:54 PM
Well, we have only had sex twice after that, but we often perform oral on each other. Well, often is about once a week for this college student, because she's still in high school. I have washed my hands, but never even thought about brushing my teeth, hopefully it would help the situation a little! Thanks!

03-15-2002, 09:12 PM
She could also be allergic to the latex, condoms are usually made of. This can be diagnosed at any doctors office or even planning clinic. Try to get her to go. If she is old enough to have sex she must be responsible enough to take care of herself. Let us know if she is Ok!

03-15-2002, 09:29 PM
That was another possibility I was looking at. I think I will have to experiment. Provided that she isn't scared that it will hurt her again. So to say.

03-16-2002, 11:31 PM
She really needs to see a doctor. She could be allergic to the latex, she could be allergic to the spermicide but you will never know until she goes and finds out. You said that she was in pain for 8 to 9 months, if she had an infection or inflammation down there it could have caused some major damage. For her safety she needs to see a doctor. Even if it is to a clinic and you pay cash. Also, and please do not take this the wrong way, maybe this is her nice way of telling you that she isn't ready to continue down that sexual path with you. I know that when I first started "fooling around" and eventually having sex with my boyfriend I would find ways and reasons why we shouldn't. I just wasn't ready and instead of telling him straight out, I would drop hints, ex: One week I would have a UTI; the next week would be that I had a stomach ache, etc. Whatever the case is please be understanding, respectful and patient with her.

03-17-2002, 12:35 AM

You have some great advice here and I agree with all of it. When my wife and I were young and still in high school, she was having terrible pain in her abdominal area. Not know if she was pregnant because she had those symptoms, we were afraid to go, but it needed to be done. It turned out to be something minor, but we needed to see what was going on. I wish you and your lady well and please go to the doctors if she is still in pain. I would hate to see something worst happen such like she couldn't bare any children because she didn't get help sooner. Help her pay for it and be there to hold her hand.

03-17-2002, 11:44 PM
My friend is allergic to latex and if the guy uses a latex condom she itches terrible afterwards and gets a yeast infection. Maybe she has a yeast infection...they can get pretty bad.

There is usually itching involved, some pain, and a discharge with a yeast infection. Look at the site below and share it with your gf to see if those symtoms seem familiar. Yeast infections are easy to treat and don't go away unless treated. Here is a quote from that site as well

A yeast infection is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, although it's more common among younger women (ages 20 to 40), especially after becoming sexually active. It's caused when certain internal or external factors change the normal environment of the vagina and trigger an overgrowth of microscopic fungi called Candida albicans .


Tango Seven
03-18-2002, 06:16 PM
I tend to agree with Phoenix 16 concerning the yeast infection. Although if you GF doesn't have the symtoms try using condoms that are not made from latex. I once used Durex Avanti, a polyurethane condom and found they gave me a most natural feeling as well as having a non-spermicidal lubricant.