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View Full Version : Which batteries last the longest?

Sweet Chastity
01-08-2002, 08:31 PM
I got a new toy and the thoughtful people at the toy shop gave me free batteries so I could start playing right away! It's has 2 speed settings one with 3 speeds and one with 5 :p but the batteries are dead already!

Ok, I played with it everyday, but they barely lasted 2 weeks!

So, anyone have any advice on what type of batteries last the longest? Duricell? Energizer (to keep coming and coming and coming)? Or maybe I should get rechargables? (they never seem to last as long as the disposable ones).

Can anyone give me some advice? I'm going out to buy some right now, but for future purchases?

Sweet Chastity

01-08-2002, 10:18 PM
It just sucks to expect a humdinger and you can't get a hum out of it! ;) Tootles!

01-08-2002, 10:29 PM
On the rechargable front, there's a new development intended for the digicams (those who have them know they swallow alkylines whole), nickle metal hydride (look for NiMH). You'll hafta spring 4 a charger, and the batteries are about twice the price of alkys, but they can be recharged 1000's of times, so it balances out in the long run... prob. will outlast your new vibe!!!

01-08-2002, 11:21 PM
you may want to borrow hubby’s battery out of the Buick;)

"DIVA,....................bring back my jumper cables!!!" :mad:

(darn her,........................every time she gets hold of the cattle prod and the whipped cream.......) :rolleyes:

01-09-2002, 06:34 AM
I have tried the copper tops....the bunny ones..(it don't keep going and going..LOL)..and a variety of others.

They all become DUD's in couple of usages.

So what I do now is buy in BULK !!! This way...as soon as it starts to slow down I put in fresh batteries (my last one takes 3 double AA's) And there is still enough juice left in the old ones to run a clock for awhile...LOL...

The ones I buy in Bulk are Kirkland Batteries found at your local Costco store. And they actually last longer than the high priced batteries!

As for the jumper cables Panty...you are the one who borrowed them off of me.....you told me your dick needed a jump start!!!!!!:D :D ;)

01-09-2002, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
As for the jumper cables Panty...you are the one who borrowed them off of me.....you told me your dick needed a jump start!!!!!!:D :D ;)

LMFAO @ Diva

Sweet Chastity, as for the batteries thatlast the longest,... the omly ones that I know of are BILBO"S :D

01-09-2002, 09:08 AM
I don't know if any of you people have them but in our local mall;
there is;a dollar store.You can buy a whole pkg. of batteries for
$1.00.For those interested;my wife;bought a vibrator(listed as a
massager);at the local Wal*Mart;over the holidays.It is a plug-in
type.I have been told that there is nothing worse then the batteries going dead at the crucial moment!At least if there is a
power-outage;you can use your battery powered one as a
"finisher!" Irish
P.S.A hand doesn't need batteries and never lets you down!

Sweet Chastity
01-09-2002, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Irish

P.S.A hand doesn't need batteries and never lets you down!

What happens if you break your wrist? I want to be prepared for all contingencies.

We do have a Costco close by and I was looking at the Duracell but my mom bought some that weren't a brand name (they were for her walkman...really...she doesn't like sex, poor thing! and she thinks cocks are ugly...sure glad I'm not that way!) and they did last her longer than the brand name ones she usually uses.

So my thoughts are to go with bulk or rechargables. But I'd rather have a man! Until I get one though (and even after I do) I've got a sweet lil toy I plan to use. 5 speeds!! 3 of those speeds are more like different rhythms, one starts slow and speeds up then stops and does this continuously. One has a pulsating action. The other also pulsates but also has a split second where it stops and the pulsations get just a bit faster before cutting out. I don't like the ones that hum at a constant speed, they actually don't give nice orgasms (almost hurt, wierd, but definitely uncomfortable orgasms).

Thanks for the help guys/gals!
Sweet Chastity

01-09-2002, 10:53 AM
Sweet Chastity---Thats why God gave you two(2)hands.Besides;
Variaty is the spice of life. Irish
P.S.Where there is a will;there is a way!

01-09-2002, 12:16 PM
Sweet Chastity.

Not all batteries are intended for the same uses.

Duracell are great for clocks which run for years etc.

Alkaline energisers and the new lithium energisers are

high power, high drain (short life).

You can't have high performance and long life in batteries,

so you have to choose between economy and performance.

If you buy a second "friend" and keep it loaded, you can play

plastic tag team.

Just a thought.

01-09-2002, 12:49 PM
She said her newest one deal with all these problems.

..wife;bought a vibrator...It is a plug-in type.
Diva's has a "TWIST-LOCK" cable connecter.

so you have to choose between economy and performance.
Diva's is 240 volt, AC......(most of the time)

What happens if you break your wrist? I want to be prepared for all contingencies.
Diva's has an auxiliary kick start.

I've got a sweet lil toy I plan to use. 5 speeds!!
Diva's has a gear shifter and overdrive.

Perhaps she'll tell you how to build one.:D

Sweet Chastity
01-09-2002, 03:12 PM
Diva's has a gear shifter and overdrive.

Perhaps she'll tell you how to build one.:D

YES PLEASE! Diva seems to be quite a guru here and I'll listen to anything she has to say (so, it also seems, all the men will too).

How did you become a sexual goddess Diva?
Please share with some of us goddesses in-training! Did you learn from experience? Books? Online? Practice?? (I like the last one). Feedback from lovers? I learned a lot from one guy this way.

Sweet Chastity

01-09-2002, 03:47 PM
How did you become a sexual goddess Diva?
I believe some are born with it and some are not...Diva just happens to be one that was :):D


Prophet Reality
01-09-2002, 09:19 PM
I agree with Sharnie, I think Diva was just born as a goddess. But you can also become a goddess too. Just takes some time, a lot of imagination, and an open mind to a lot of different things.

01-09-2002, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Prophet Reality
I agree with Sharnie, I think Diva was just born as a goddess. But you can also become a goddess too. Just takes some time, a lot of imagination, and an open mind to a lot of different things. COLOR=seagreen]and a passion for harassing the hell out of guys! [/COLOR] :rolleyes: ;)

01-10-2002, 10:20 AM
I am NOT A SEX GODDESS!!**Blush**
But thank you to ((((ALL)))) who think I am......**Blush**

I am just an average woman....who is just being HERSELF...... :)

01-10-2002, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by pantyfanatic
She said her newest one deal with all these problems.

Diva's has a "TWIST-LOCK" cable connecter.

Diva's is 240 volt, AC......(most of the time)

Diva's has an auxiliary kick start.

Diva's has a gear shifter and overdrive.

Perhaps she'll tell you how to build one.:D

Hmmm....perhaps Panty could build me one???? I heard he has the prototype in his pants!!!!! (Only if he uses jumper cables tho!!!) :D :D ;) :p :p

01-10-2002, 11:45 AM

Please don't forget the difference between jumper cables

and Bungee cord (jumping cables).

Could be messy!

01-10-2002, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
I am NOT A SEX GODDESS!!**Blush**
But thank you to ((((ALL)))) who think I am......**Blush**

I am just an average woman....who is just being HERSELF...... :) and what a "self" that is... I love all the ladies here, but you are the straw that stirs the drink!;)

01-11-2002, 09:58 AM
Thanks (((((((Scotz))))))))) **BLUSHING** :)

01-11-2002, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by Sharniqua
I believe some are born with it and some are not...Diva just happens to be one that was :):D

I for one happen to believe that many of the women here at Pixies are ALL goddess's in some form or another.

I have gotten so many good ideas and answers to my many stupid questions from everyone.

01-11-2002, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
I am NOT A SEX GODDESS!!**Blush**
But thank you to ((((ALL)))) who think I am......**Blush**

I am just an average woman....who is just being HERSELF...... :)

Diva darling,

there is absolutely NOTHING average in the least about you.

01-11-2002, 12:53 PM
Nutworld----I'll say it AGAIN!There is no such thing as a stupid
question.The stupedest question is the one that you don't ask!

01-11-2002, 06:35 PM
Sears Diehard!!!!!

Sweet Chastity
01-11-2002, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Irish
Nutworld----I'll say it AGAIN!There is no such thing as a stupid
question.The stupedest question is the one that you don't ask!

I had a nursing teacher who used to tell us that! You ever teach a nurse something she didn't know?

Sweet Chastity

Prophet Reality
01-12-2002, 12:05 AM
First off. DIVA you are a goddess.... so just accept it and smile. And to SweetChastity.. haven't taught anything new to a nurse, but would love to learn something or two from one!

01-12-2002, 09:18 AM
Speaking of nurses-I've told it before; but ;I'll tell it again!Many years ago;I was in the hospital because of stomach problems.
I got horny and had the covers down and was masturbating.I felt
as if I was watched and looked up.A nurse was watching me;
raised her skirt(to give me visual stimulation)and smiled at me and
made; up&down;movements with her hand as if urging me to
continue!I finished.She smiled at me and walked away.She never
touched me;just watched.This was a daily occurence until I left the hospital.Since then;everytime that I see someone;in a Nurses
uniform;I feel arousel.It has also become a longtime masturbation
fantasy of mine!Nurses can also be teachers of pleasure. Irish