View Full Version : DownUnder

01-04-2002, 12:04 PM
the_phantom,jeapea1,Adrian,Spanish Eyes,justLindy&anyothers
from downunder that I might have missed---I wanted to tell you
that I watched the 2cd half of "The Gladiator"the other night
because my;current; favorite actor is in it.It is Russel Crowe.
I have seen him in many movies and he is very genuine.I think
that the reviewers have said that he will; probably;be nominated
for his acting in his latest movie."The Perfect Mind"or something
like that.I know that I have said some wiseass things about
being from downunder.I hope everyone knows that I was just
screwing around!I think that he is from someplace there.His
second love is as a" Rock"singer.I have heard his group.Let's hope he gets alot of acting roles.Then maybe he won't sing!
P.S.Please send in your evaluations of him.I like the way that he plays so many sincere but rugged roles.So many men in movies
are wimpy now.To each his own!

01-04-2002, 03:02 PM
Russel is very much a proud aussie, and all of us here are aloso proud of his acheivements and wish him all the success he deserves..
Irish..as for him singing...this is a passion for Russel..and he involves himself in to his singing when not acting...his band is always in demand here in OZ...and they receive great reviews.

But remember too that Russel is still just a Bloke (his words) and is qutie often seen, and approached walking through downtown Sydney.......I guess we are a lucky country when our celebraties can enjoy a walk through the streets without any real hassles

01-04-2002, 03:21 PM
Bilbo---I know that singing is a passion for him!If I'm not mistaken
he had a rock band as a teenager and still reverts to it when not
acting.I saw a special on him on "Headliners and Legends"one
recent night.It was very interesting.He is fairly outspoken.Every
story has two sides;but;when asked why he wasn't involved with
Helen Hunt? anymore;he said that she was too demanding and
that he just couldn't take it anymore.It wasn't fun,anymore!It is
nice that your celebreties don't have to walk around in disguises!

01-06-2002, 06:14 AM

Russell Crowe is one of a number of New Zealanders who

have found it easier to promote themselves as Aussies.

He is a top actor, a fair singer and still not too far up

himself, yet.

01-06-2002, 08:34 AM
oldfart---I thought that I had read someplace that he was a New
Zealander! Irish