View Full Version : A few general questions

12-21-2001, 12:08 AM
Ive just turned 18, im a lil insecure about my cock size, when jerking off my cock is only a lil bit longer then my hand, i just wanna know at what age your cock stopped growing, i hope i still have a few more yrs, im guessing my cock is almost 5 inches.

12-26-2001, 05:08 PM
I think on average, guys stop growing at around age 18. Some less some more obviously so it depends. If you feel bad though there are posts on parts of this board with links to sites about natural penis enlargement etc.

12-26-2001, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by jaymz
If you feel bad though there are posts on parts of this board .....

…. Has been HONESTLY talked about a lot here.:whiteghos

From my experience and the comments of our woman….. CONCINTRATE ON EXPANDING YOUR SEX MIND AND FEELINGS,……NOT YOUR DICK!;)

An old bull:)

12-26-2001, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by pantyfanatic

From my experience and the comments of our woman….. CONCINTRATE ON EXPANDING YOUR SEX MIND AND FEELINGS,……NOT YOUR DICK!;)

An old bull:)

couldn't agree more.

12-27-2001, 12:26 AM
I think confidence is apart of "feeling" i am really insecure about this, i hope i grow out of it, im still a virgin and am a bit on the shy side...my cock size not helping out the situation.

12-27-2001, 05:45 PM
Its what you do with it. It may be done growing but what you do with it is what counts. But it doesnt hurt to stroke it every now and then to help it out.

12-27-2001, 08:09 PM
Q:Why is the head of your penis;bigger;then the shaft?
A:To keep your hand from slipping off the end!
Men always want a bigger penis and women always want bigger
boobs!Just remember; the old saying;that anything over a mouthful is a waste.That covers both sexes. Irish
PS.I have never heard of a penis ;that was to small; to fit your
hand!Any port in a storm.

12-28-2001, 12:15 AM
Men always want a bigger penis and women always want bigger boobs!
And I might add, some of us guys get goofy about big boobs, and some women like to look at big cocks... but experience teaches us that size has nothing to do with a man's/woman's abilities as a lover... imagination & consideration for your partner are paramount... so guys, quit worrying about penis size, and fergawdsake quit comparing porn stars with the real world!

12-28-2001, 01:16 AM
women always want bigger

Always is not quite right.....i have big boobs and sure as hell dont want them bigger...in fact if i get my way i'm getting them made smaller
Big boobs are hard on womens backs as they weigh heaps...and you know the thing i hate most is i have to pay a fortune for an industrial strength bra...and the styles suck...not many nice frilly ones around..
Not to mention running is out...unless you want black eyes that is

I can remember when i was going through puberty...i wanted big boobs...i thought they'd be great....hmmmm...brings to mind the saying "Be careful what you wish for"


12-28-2001, 09:03 AM
scotzoidman---That's what I was trying to say!You said it much
better.My wife doesn't have huge boobs but I think that she is
sexy as all getout! Irish
PS.As usual;I had to inject a little comedy and didn't get my point

12-28-2001, 09:16 AM
Men always want a bigger penis and women always want bigger boobs!

Sorry....I have to disagree....I NEVER wanted bigger boobs....just Perkier!!!!!! :D :D ;)

I have a few friends that had Double D's and suffered a whole lot.....Not to mention back problems and not being able to find the proper fitting bra's ect...

They all got breast reductions and are much happer now being a 38 C!!

Be happy with what you have....it could be alot worse!!!

12-28-2001, 10:04 AM
I'm with the "perkier" comment.

Had 40EE's. Now a 36C. Glad to be smaller...though...perky would be nice.

As for the penis issue...once again, it's not really about size...it's about honesty and an open mind. Be confident. Ask questions. Give what you can...and let the rest figure itself out!


12-28-2001, 10:20 AM
It's true, "always" & "never" tend to be dangerous words to use, I understood that Irish was making a generalized statement, and a fellow smartass always recognizes another one ;) Sharni & Diva, I know what y'all are saying, my wife is also well endowed (wish I could get her to let me share her beauty here, but that'll never happen), she has the same complaints about carrying around those 40dds. Here's my thoughts on the matter, maybe someone will agree; I have not yet heard a woman say she is completely satisfied with the size or shape of her breasts...big want smaller, small want bigger, or as Diva says, perkier! Just for the record, I love em all, I just wanna see em out in the open!!!

12-28-2001, 01:03 PM
You always want what you don't have.

12-28-2001, 01:09 PM
I am exactly 6 inches and it hasn't inhibited my sex life one damn bit (other things have but not my dick...LOL!).

Bottom line: focus on getting "sex smart"...you'll learn that WHAT you do with it is the important thing! AND MAKE SURE YOU ARE PICKY ABOUT WHO YOU LOSE YOUR VIRGINITY TO! I lost mine to a woman whose name I do not remember (I was drunk) and never saw again. Very sad and pathetic...don't let it happen to you.

Thank goodness I was smarter the second time around...I really count her as my first (even if it isn't really true).


12-28-2001, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by jaymz
You always want what you don't have.

Soooooo true!!!!!!!! ;) :D

I want Bilbo, Bogeyman, Captain Tongue, Nutworld, Mikey, Oldfart, Pantyfanatic, Prophet, Rabbit.... oh ya...better not forget TDK..or I will hear about it..........Etc......:D :D :D ;) ;)

(and I did it alphabetical order ....not to hurt anyone's feelings)!!! :D

12-28-2001, 03:21 PM
Skipped right over the "S"s, huh Diva...

if anybody needs me, I'll be in the corner, salving my wounded pride...:(

12-28-2001, 03:23 PM
(((((((((((((SCOTZ))))))))))))))))) I am so sorry Babe......

I didn't mean to leave you out!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or anybody else for that matter..............


12-28-2001, 03:38 PM
Isn't amazing how little it takes to send a guy into a pout...
I was taking a free shot there, Diva, I know I wasn't the only one overlooked...
Forgive you? Well, maybe if you'll kiss my wounded pride & make it harder... I mean better..

12-28-2001, 03:39 PM

12-28-2001, 07:53 PM
scotzoidman---Don't pout.The "I's"got left out also;but;I'm used
to people not knowing a good thing when it's right in front of
them. Irish
P.S.As the Hells Angels courtesy card says--"When we do right;no
one remembers!When we do wrong;no one forgets."

12-29-2001, 01:26 AM
scotzoidman---Don't pout.The "I's"got left out also
Hey, don't knock it... look what pouting got me, kisses & apologies from Diva... and I did notice she missed you,too... but yer on yer own dude, work on yer own pout:D

12-29-2001, 08:02 AM
Scotzoidman---I don't pout.Their loss is my gain.Having a wife& 2
daughters;I know women good enough to know that; like Buses;
if you miss one;there will be another;just as good;in approx.1/2
an hour. Irish
P.S.People that don't know;how I really;feel about;the genders;
will believe that and get all incensed!

12-29-2001, 08:21 AM
<Sinks her head low and goes into the corner>

Sorry guys....didn't mean to offend anyone...... :( :(

01-04-2002, 12:36 AM
There are two phrases I hear quite often among men when the subject of penis size comes up...(no pun intended)

#1: It's not the size of the boat; it's the motion in the ocean.....
#2: If you're weak in the hip, be strong in the lip....

My, my the things you hear in the south.........:p

01-04-2002, 11:23 AM
hotgirl4u2nite---In case I haven't said it already--Welcome to
Pixies. Irish
P.S.You get very forgetful at my age!

01-06-2002, 06:36 AM
Back to the question at hand (sorry folks)

Worrying about size will make it a problem if you let it.

At 18, you are probably almost as grown as you'll get,

but remember that size is also a function of excitement.

Once you are a position to play "hide the sausage", you may

surprise yourself in how well willie rears his head.