View Full Version : circumcised vs uncircumcised

05-04-2001, 10:59 AM
Ok, this is a question that I have always been curious of....do girls prefer circumcised/uncircumcised...or does it matter. I think I have seen one porn star that is not...so I guess it seems to be prefered....by the way..I am not....so ladies please let me know what you think...and guys....let me know what you think also

05-04-2001, 11:05 AM
I, too, am of the uncut version. However, I am, shall we say, rather gifted. Personally, I think being uncut gives it more room to grow. No complaints yet.

05-04-2001, 11:31 AM
it doesn't matter to me personally, but i know of a couple of women that wouldn't let a man that wasn't cut have sex with them.

05-04-2001, 07:59 PM
Nothing against the "uncut", but if I had a choice I would choose circumsized. I think it would just be a little awkward, but hey, who knows. Just an opinion. :)

05-05-2001, 07:03 PM
well i've been with both cut and uncut...and the only difference i've noticed is when i'm jacking an uncut man it's seems easier, where as a cut man, i tend to use some sort of lubricant...
well thats my opinion anyway...

05-08-2001, 03:09 PM
Well, I'm uncircumcized and perfectly happy with it, and haven't gotten any complaints about it. On an uncut person, the "shielding" on the head of the cock when it isn't erect means that it rubs against stuff less, and my gut feeling is that this makes it more sensitive during sex :) . But if you/yours is cut and happy with it, hey, more power to you!


05-16-2001, 09:24 PM
I am uncircumcised and am 41 yrs and have never had a problem. I think that it is more of a social and society issue for USA.

05-17-2001, 10:53 AM
I am 42 yr and am uncircumcised. I have never had a problem and my current lover loves it.

05-22-2001, 05:22 PM
I'm circumcised and have never had any problem with it either. Besides, it's a fact that it's much more hygienic

05-22-2001, 06:01 PM
im cut and i find most girls say they prefer it or dont care..mostly dont care. Although some say it is easier to jack off an uncut guy. Others argue cut guys last longer though. Oh well so long as i get some im happy.


05-22-2001, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by joys
I'm circumcised and have never had any problem with it either. Besides, it's a fact that it's much more hygienic

er...no. Hygene is something you implement yourself. More chance of an uncircumcised dick being really manky, but don't lable them "unhygienic" - that depends on your personal habits!

05-25-2001, 06:06 PM
--- quote ---

er...no. Hygene is something you implement yourself. More chance of an uncircumcised dick being really manky, but don't lable them "unhygienic" - that depends on your personal habits!

-- Give yourself over...--

--- unquote ---

I agree joel, like many other things, hygiene depends on your own importance you give to it and i am not labelling any uncut dicks as "unhygienic". However, the skin on an uncircumcised dick does tend to produce bacteria and infections and needs extra care. Besides, circumcision prevents some complications that may arouse later. For example, i had my son circumcised when he was 3 months bec the doc said the skin was sticking on his penis. Of course, this is just an example and there may be counter examples also.

04-30-2003, 01:39 PM
I went in search of interesting threads to revive, and thought "hey" what a perfect one to bring back on this day...

^^^^ Look up there ^^^^ Sharni's first post....

04-30-2003, 03:06 PM
I am uncircumcized and found most women enjoy that better....it does feel better when a woman unrolls the foreskin.I've never had any hygiene problems in 43years.

04-30-2003, 05:15 PM
I don't feel REAL strongly about it one way or another, but I do lean more toward uncut, which isn't that easy to find in the States. I think I prefer it because my ex-husband was uncut, so that is what I was used to. My fiance is uncut as well, but it would be fine with me if he were cut instead. I agree with Sharni that it's easier to jack a guy off if he is uncut; you usually don't have to be concerned about using a lubricant. And I agree that hygiene doesn't have to be a problem just because a guy is uncut.

BTW, when my son was born, I wasn't working in the medical field yet, and I did have him circumcised. Now, if I had it to do over again, I'd never have my son(s) circumcised.

04-30-2003, 06:06 PM
I'm not circumsized and I like it that way;)

04-30-2003, 06:19 PM
I like Lilith that way also

05-01-2003, 07:59 AM
There are three main bodies of opinion that support circumcision; the Muslim faith, the Jewish faith and the AMA. I know about the motives of the first two, but I am not going to speculate on the motives of the third. I might get sued. But how much is a circumcision these days? It must be pretty easy money.

For what my opinion is worth, I don’t have any time for the religious motives either. If the Good Lord creates male babies with foreskins, who are the sex-obsessed old men to insist that He made a mistake that must be corrected by cutting it off. If you have a son, at least let him make up his own mind when he is old enough.

Sweet Thing
05-01-2003, 08:13 AM
I have never been with an uncut guy so I really have nothing to base an opinion on. I will say that, if we ever did have a son, hubby and I both decided that we would not circumcise him...way too many risks of infection and mistakes with an infant. When he was older, if he wanted to be cut, we would support him all the way.

05-03-2003, 04:14 PM
I've had both, and would prefer cut. Uncut guys have it a bit better due to the fact (I think) they are easier to jack off, and I really believe that having a foreskin keeps the lil fella a bit more sensitive. To counter the sensitivity thing, my cut man, now DON'T LAUGH, wears a little hood over his wanker. Like a mini excutioners hood. Kind of cute on a creepy way... Anway, I have had some skanky encounters with natural guys that have turned me off. If I unroll the foreskin and there is toe jam and belly button lint in there...ther is a major problem! :) But there is something about a cut guy that turns me on. I love guys with a pronounced head cause it makes shuch a lovely ridge...and the site of an erect, cut member, with satiny skin all nice and smooth.....oh, well, I guess I'mm getting carried away here. heehee Um, yeah, I'm gonna go now. Got some stuff to do... :::blush:::

05-03-2003, 06:16 PM
I have posted on this subject before.When I was born,I couldn't
be circumcised,because of a clotting problem.When I was erect,
you almost couldn,t tell that I wasn't circumcised.My foreskin drew
back,so much,that it almost looked as if I was cut.In my 40s,I
developed a rash in the area under, the head of my penis.I showed it to my doctor.He knew what it was when I told him about it.He said that it is so common that it has a medical name.
I had to be circumcised.He said that it has nothing to do with
cleanliness,it is a common occurence.I am now circumcised.I notice
NO difference in the sensation,of if your circucised or not.I have
experienced every sexual act,both ways.My wife,has also,had me both ways and she says that she notices NO difference.Barring
medical problems,if I could do things over,I would get circumcised
at birth.Avoiding erections,in your 40s,when you are used to,at
least,one climax,daily,sucks big time! Irish

05-03-2003, 09:51 PM
As to the question, which would I rather be with, I just don't care. There is not a difference to me.

As to the whole issue of medical practices, it is now considered a cosmetic surgery and hmo's and most health insurances will NOT cover this elective surgery. We were just told it will cost $200 to have it done. It does take a little more time to keep it clean, but I'm sure by the time an uncircumcised man is old enough to do it himself, he just isn't going to notice or care. If it now is only a religious and personal choice, then I think it may become less and less common.

My two cents :o

05-04-2003, 12:36 AM
i'm not circumsized and i don't see what the big deal is,

sorry but i don't feel that i have to cut part of my dick off to try to be more hygenic

if you wash it daily it should be fine

05-04-2003, 10:06 AM
I have had both...and really don't see a difference between the two. I really don't think hygiene is an issue though. Hygiene is a personal bathing issue not at all related to whether a man has the skin or not. My husband was circumcised but is very clear that if we have male children that they will not be. I have too say I agree. He has done a lot of of research and says that circumcision decreases sensitivity.

05-04-2003, 02:14 PM
Valerieks626---I have had every sexual act,both circumcised
& un circumcised.With me I notice no difference in sensitivity
From what the Dr.told me,hygiene,unless you're gross,doesn't
have anything to do with medical problems,either. Irish
P.S.After going thru what I did,I would have it done early,but
that's me.

05-04-2003, 02:51 PM
I have had both and prefer uncut. Iggy is uncut and I have so much fun with that itty bitty extra piece of skin. It may seem childish but I get really excited just looking at a snuffalupagus penis, but to each their own.

05-08-2003, 08:56 AM
I can't answer the original question due to the fact that my only experience has been with circumcised men. I do have two sons though, neither of which was circumcised. All of this talk about hygiene has me wondering if the information that my childrens doctors have been giving me is correct. For the last ten years all they have said is wash like normal, no special care needed and do not and I repeat do not pull back the foreskin to clean, it is unecessary and will begin to retract on its own when the time is right. So I guess my question is what is different about the hygiene, I would presume that once the foreskin begins to retract, which I understand happens at different points in time for each individual, that you would just take care to cleanse around and under the foreskin. My older son's foreskin does not retract all the way yet, the doctor insists that this is quite normal and that it should do so on its own, if it doesn't by the time he reaches puberty then there is a steroid cream that can help in seperating the skin around the head of the penis...so my second question would be...Have any of the uncircumcised men out there encountered this problem? And if you have, how was it resolved? Sorry for getting off topic, but being a mom of two sons and not having an uncircumcised man in my life, the information that is given is solely from the medical professionals, not from people who are in the same natural state...Thanks in advance:D

05-08-2003, 10:17 AM
i guess i really haven't paid any attention to my penis when i was younger, but i've never really had any troubles that you have stated
so i don't know what to say,
i guess you can trust what the doctors say and if not you can always take them in for a checkup