View Full Version : threesome

10-28-2001, 06:51 AM
My wife's birthday is coming up and we were talking about a threesome the other night. It was just fantasy talk, but there's a part of me that what's to actually do it. I need advice about setting up such a thing.

10-28-2001, 08:58 AM
When would you like me to show up?:D

10-06-2002, 06:10 PM
max 142.. I've was in a 3some several years ago, which was enjoyed by all and didn't lead to any nasty repercussions; but I've also had 2 or 3 of my friends do the same with their wife and A N Other..... & they ALL ended in tears.

If BOTH of you can treat the whole experience as purely sexual entertainment ( and be 110% sure FIRST) then I'd say go ahead - if you're as lucky as I was, it will be mind-blowing!

If you can't convince yourself that you or she won't be the SLIGHTEST bit jealous, forget it - it's not worth it. Remember, fantasies are often best left as just that ~ and if it ain't broke, don't "fix" it!

Hope this helps.

10-07-2002, 10:38 AM
The best advice is really the old advice about couples in general. Communicate. Really. Talk about this with your wife. Talk about the issue in general. Talk about how it might make you both feel. Talk about the possible long term repercussions. Talk about whether you might not be sure that what you think you feel now is what you will feel after the fact. Talk about who might be involved. This makes a whole lot of diference. Seriously. Talk about whether this would be a long term thing, or a once-only thing. If you do decide to do this, then pick out a third person, and do all of this talking again with him/her. Be honest about all of your statements, including if you are unsure about some aspect of this. If at any time, you or your wife find yourselves saying, "This is a really bad idea", then don't do it. If you or you wife find yourselves saying "The idea is OK, but that person is not the right person to include", then pick someone else. This also goes if the third person says the same thing.

This is the voice of experience. My wife and I have been poly for all of our nearly 13 year relationship, and honest communication isonly thing that has kept our relationship stable.