View Full Version : dicks

07-04-2001, 04:22 PM
does anyone on this board...

1) - have small skin ocloured spots on their dick

2) - have a littel red line or "raphe" going along the bottom of their dick (usually from the tip onwards)

3) - have little pubic hairs growwing slightly up their dick?


07-04-2001, 04:32 PM
Sounds a bit on the weird side... probably nothing at all - but you should play it say and get it checked. HELL - I have survived the indignity of having a testical lump checked - they finally decided it was a harmless cyst. Peace of mind is worth the minor inconvience! Get it checked and ditch the worry.

07-04-2001, 07:33 PM
Starlight: sorry to hear that and glad that you have got over.

1. not usually but if the dick is forced through oral (teetheted) and/or anal intercourse, the tip of the cock may have a dandruff style. May have skin colored spots which you should have no concern. But if they are not like dandruff and spotted on the skin, you should immedieatly see a doc.
2. the little red line is pretty obvious in circumcised dicks. I don't think it is a problem. Every guy has a different dick
3. The hair is all about themselves. Nothing to worry about that.

so, i suggest you visit a doc for no 1 and query about no2 and dont worry about no 3