View Full Version : Worst Job

11-09-2005, 06:43 AM
you ever had? What was it? How long did you keep it?

11-09-2005, 07:20 AM
Steam cleaning rancid tallow out of 44 gallon (55gal US) drums. About 3 months before I joined the Oz pubic circus.

11-09-2005, 07:52 AM
Child care!! :hair:

Also I've had a few one day only jobs that really sucked. There was the selling bar-b-que beef at a crappy little grocery store, working in a plumbing store, and Taco Bell which was very hot no matter where you touched.

11-09-2005, 07:58 AM
1 day, working for Australian Paper Mills, my wifes dad worked there and he got me the worlds most boring job, not only did i have to stand around all day (10 hours as this was the stupid shift they worked) doing absolutly nothing but i had to choke on large volumes of cardboard dust, at the end of the shift i went up to the forman and said this is not cup of tea and i want be back, he just said ok and my father in law did not talk to me for 3 months, i guess i'll never know how the hell he worked there for 37 years

11-09-2005, 08:10 AM
Um, this one? The one that ends today after not quite three months? :)

I actually stayed at a job once for one day. It was a temporary position as an assistant to a CPA, and from the get-go the man screamed and made me feel small. Life's too short--and I'm too good at what I do--for that.

I guess they just didn't know *how* temporary the job would be for me. I never went back. :D

11-09-2005, 08:36 AM
It was the one that when I walked in the first day along with 4 others to start our new jobs, the boss said to me........you'll be MY coffee girl today.

I told him that I was nobody's coffee girl (along with other colorful words) and left!

11-09-2005, 11:29 AM
I have two bad ones, but I was in one shorter than the other.

1. Telemarketer. $12/hr in high school is a good wage ~~ but not worth it when you're selling death insurance (casket and burial) to little old ladies via scare tactics.

2. Waitress at Frisch's (kinda like a Denny's or IHOP). 24 hours and people constantly NOT showing up for their shifts. One time I worked 21 hours without a break....and waitressing work is HARD. The worst was the late shift...we were right near a campus and the drunks would come to us after the bars closed ot eat pancakes. Then they would throw up in the booths, or leave NO tip (and I earned a whopping $2.13/hr). Also, drunk men CANNOT pee straight.

<sigh> Good memories. :rofl:

11-09-2005, 01:22 PM
I worked for an Italian restaurant once... one day I think. I had hopes of working my way up from the dish pit to preparing meals. First, I like a job that you can complete, get caught up on. There were so many dishes it was impossible for one person to get them all done, and the boss didn't expect you too. They'd leave dirty dishes for the next day once it was time to go home after closing. Second, I like to do a job well, and the boss basically told me I was spending too much time cleaning the dishes. Give 'em a spray and put 'em through the dishwasher. Oh, nevermind the food that's still stuck to the plate. :rolleyes2

I told him the next day that there was a conflict of interest with my other job, cause I also worked at a pizza place. I thought I was stepping up into a classier establishment... ha! The pizza place was kept much cleaner.

11-09-2005, 01:24 PM
Cleaning a open 24 hr McDonalds store.....i started at 10:30 at night and finished around 10 the next morning....you wanna try cleaning the kitchen when they are still cooking, people in and out...and the toilets! watching for used needles and nasties :yikes: OMG it was bedlam

But i must say even the worst job had its good times *L*

11-09-2005, 02:24 PM
getting up at the ass-crack of dawn to teach 3-5 year olds how to swim in a freezing cold pool during my summer vaction in OC. one of two jobs i had. and my roomate would turn off the alarm when she came home so it didn't wake her up. bitch.

i got fired. :p

11-09-2005, 05:42 PM
Oh geezzzz...lemme see!

Believe it or not I hated tending bar at the particular bar I worked. I loved the dancers and the some of the patrons that frequented the place but I learned something about myself that came as a complete shock to me before working there. I learned that I HATED crowds of demanding people, all vying for my attention and calling me baby and sweety and honey and telling me to smile and pinching my ass and grabbing my other goodies...3-4 deep in people at a horseshoe bar...all cashing pay checks and GIVING money to the dancers who did nothing for them but give them a boner and send them away, while I waited on them hand and foot, supplying refreshments and food for them as fast as they asked for something...and getting nary a tip from the ones who stood back from the bar and suddenly left, leaving me to clean up their mess and never a thank you, here's a tip for a job well done, kiss my ass or NOTHING! And each Thursday and Friday I had to slap on a fake smile and do it all over again!

You'd think I'd like some of that ^^^, huh? :bsflag:

Another job I hated was when I worked at Flower World International. It wasn't the job I hated, but the boss. We not only answered 25 phone lines for Flower World, but we had 35 more phone lines (watts lines) for toll free commercials and clubs like Jim and Tammy Baker had for their evangelical whatever the hell they were doing to steal money from unsuspecting peeps. I sat in front of a board with sixty buttons on it that lit up. I wore a headset. Whenever we had a commercial that tells peeps to "Call Now", suddenly all 60 lines would light up and the boss would go crazy for us to pick up! There were 9 other girls here beside me and we'd quickly answer the lines, not letting on to the caller that they weren't actually calling the company that the commercial was for, putting them on hold till we could get to all the lines, and then going back to take orders. We had to pull info from the caller as to who they were actually calling for because we took calls for many, many companies. The boss would yell at us, as we were trying to get to all the calls, that we were fat cows and we'd work faster if we didn't snack all day like the barnyard animals we seemed to be. Actually, that was one of his nicer rants...we got called whores and bitches and more than I care to remember.

I needed this job very badly so I took it for almost a year. One day it must have been the PMSiest (<---word?...is now!) day of my life and I couldn't take it anymore. The lines were all lit and the phones were ringing off the hook and I pressed down every line as the boss yelled his usual insults. I stood up (much like Norma Rae), flipped off my headphones and headed toward the big guy! He (and everyone else in the place) watched me on that very long walk. I didn't know what I was going to say and I was shaking like a leaf. All I knew is that if I cried I would have killed myself! I wanted to make a statement and I didn't want to cry when doing it. He stopped yelling as I got nearer and I swear he seemed like he wanted to turn on a heel and run. My face must have been so red, from anger, at that moment. I strided right up to him, lifted my hand to his face, and flipped him off better than I have EVER flipped anyone off in my life (including driver's that piss me off)! I couldn't speak because I knew I would cry...but my flip got the message across and I was satisfied and I turned and walked out with such pride! I dunno what happened after I left because I never went back and I moved soon after so I never saw anyone I worked with there to get a report. I do know that Bob Sheets (the big guy) died in the 80's from a well deserved heart attack! His wife (who worked in the company at a higher job) must have breathed a sigh on that day...he was as big a jerk-off to her!

*wonders how long I can make this post?*

LMFAO! I have more but I need to do some stuff so I'll quit...for now!

Oh...wait...did I ever mention how much I HATE sewing to make someone else rich?

Ahhhhhhhh...I must have said something about that!

Geezzzzzzzz Lil...the hairs on the back of my neck are standing straight up now! :spank:

11-09-2005, 05:51 PM
Ugh... any job managing people has to suck!!

Impossible deadlines for which you are at the whim of un-interested staff
Having to listen to peoples problems ranging from contemplations of suicide to how much the hate me for making them stay until 5pm when they don't fancy working that afternoon.
Having customers swear at you and occasionally try and hit you.
Steady wok, mind you. lol

11-09-2005, 05:53 PM
My previous job was working for a local tire shop. the shop had a good customer base so we stayed busy all the time. I didn't mind the hard labor, it was the way the "management" treated me and a couple of other guys. I was the one who went around town picking up tires in my pickup using my gas. They wouldn't pay me milage (one day I kept up with the milage and I went 600 miles in a 10 hour day). They wouldn't let me off early for school because a couple of the guys started crying that I left early ( I was the only one in the whole store that is in college, half of the guys didn't graduate high school).

Right before I quit, I put a tool box in the back of my Ranger, which cut the amount of tires and other stuff I could haul around, when they saw that they were mad and told me to stack the tires on top of my truck and bungee them down. I told them forget it and they got even more mad.

I am unemployed at the moment, but the good news is I am passing all of my classes :)

11-09-2005, 06:49 PM
My job sucks... ain't no candy coatin it... but it is a job... and the benefits are good... the retirement (in 20 years) will be even better... I just hope I make it that long...

11-11-2005, 11:59 PM
Trying to pick the worst job I ever had is kinda like picking out the nastiest maggot on a rotting corpse...most of the jobs I ever had (at least as an adult) I took some pride in doing well, but ultimately it seems I always ended up at the mercy of some psycho boss (esp in the printing biz, where I spent some 25 yrs) or co-worker that thought it was his/her job to make my life a living hell...my current state of self-unemployment has its downside as the pay sucks, but I do set my own hours & pace...

11-12-2005, 11:06 AM
I have never really hated any job that I had - I always managed to find the work interesting no matter what I did.

It was always the people around me, mainly co-workers, that would make the job unpleasant. Someone on a power trip, someone who didn't do their job and others would have to make up for it, co-workers who would try to sabatoge the work that you did to make themselves look better, etc.

11-12-2005, 11:17 AM
I was between jobs a few years back and decided to try and give it a whirl at using my formal education to help others. Took a job as a grief counselor at a local cemetary. It actually ended up being a salesman for pre-need and at-need cemetary services. Worst thing is that is was full commission. While I loved helping folks at their time of need, I hated the fact that I was actually selling them something they didn't want right then but knew they had to have. I lasted about 3 months and knew I had to find some other way to use my experience.

My advice - plan ahead so you don't have to make such an important decision at the worst possible moment in your life for your loved ones.

11-12-2005, 12:29 PM
A temp job one year over Christmas at a contract packager. I packaged powdered Easter Egg dye. Turned color on contact with water. Go to the bathroom, come back with purple hands. Or if any dust got on your face etc.. I'd also sneeze colors for days. That's my favorite worst job.

Same place..had to screw caps on bottles to a certain torque.. Hurt the hands after awhile.

Different place, temp work...had to use a table saw to saw chips in records (old vinyl ones) so they could be disposed of. Did that for weeks.