View Full Version : Tmj

03-01-2005, 10:57 AM
ow! and grrrrrrrrrr! and waaaaa!

that's all i wanted to share.

/me making that rubbing motion with my middle finger and thumb in the universal sign for the world's smallest violin....

03-01-2005, 11:51 AM
/me making that rubbing motion with my middle finger and thumb in the universal sign for the world's smallest violin....

/me making that rubbing motion with my middle finger in your hoo hoo and my thumb on your clitoris

That sounds so much nicer than a teensy violin, doesn't it?

And sorry to hear the news.

03-01-2005, 02:07 PM
Do you wear a night guard?

03-01-2005, 03:41 PM
i sould get one for the times when it hurts but i never have. it doesn't happen all that offen and i don't grind or clench my jaw so it never ocurs to me to pick one up. it's just something that happenes...no tooth problems or anything like that either. and it's only happened a handful of times since i've been about 16, it lasts a few days and then goes away. but when it does happen it is just the most annoying thing EVER.

i'm lucky so far, some people who have it are much worse off than i.

03-01-2005, 03:43 PM
/me making that rubbing motion with my middle finger in your hoo hoo and my thumb on your clitoris

That sounds so much nicer than a teensy violin, doesn't it?

And sorry to hear the news.

ya know...it's that kind of stuff that leads me to do the kind of stuff that can make my jaw hurt worse ;) :D

03-02-2005, 02:31 AM
Actually, I am deeply sympathetic...anything that interferes with the pleasures of oral sex should be regarded as a crime against humanity, IMO...

03-02-2005, 09:52 AM
Wyndhy, you should try to get some kind of treatment option going so it doesn't turn full-blown into what I have...

I've had TMJ now since mid-August. It's annoying as hell and often hurts like a bitch. My problem is the jaw bone joint is rubbing bone-on-bone directly. I feel your pain, wyndyhy.

I was fitted for a mouth guard for the top row of my teeth by my dentist. I think that perhaps there may only be the slightest, teensiest bit of grinding going on, so I don't know if that's the best option for all. I'm not a clencher or known grinder...it doesn't seem to help me too much. I've had that guard since my diagnosis and so far I haven't noticed relief of any kind. I've had to give up fun things like chewing gum and submarine sandwiches. :(

Giving oral sex has really become a challenge for me...I feel like the TinMan in the Wizard of Oz when I go to open my mouth wide for him...he can often hear the "crack" of it as the jaw tries to expand. I've been very limited in what I can do for him with my mouth itself...it has become more of a tongue thing recently. :( It even happens when I go to french kiss him...it's quite literally a pain in more ways than one.

My dentist said next step would be to try braces, and way down the line, surgery if things didn't improve. I have no insurance currently so all options are out for me. I'm down to using the mouth guard, ibuprofen, and moist heat packs.

Any chance that you could get a mouth guard or something as a preventative measure?

Stolen Kisses
03-02-2005, 10:06 AM
(((((hugs)))) I hope you get some refief soon.


03-02-2005, 11:51 AM
thank you...it feels abit better today actually :)

bcg, ooo (((((hugs))))) hun, that sucks. mine is also sumpthin hinky with that muscle/joint and doesn't have anyhting to do with my teeth, only my physiology i guess and i'm grateful it doesn't hurt all the time (hardly ever considering) or click or get stuck. i hope it's something they can take care of for you someday

pssst!! *feeling mommy-ish*...get some insurance as soon as you can budget it in! sooo important. but in the meanwhile take special care of yourself, brush at least twice a day and take your vitamins! :D

speaking of vitamins...did you know that pain in that joint/muscle can be caused by certain mineral deficiencies? and there are also jaw exercises you can do to help the pain? just wanna make sure those doctors are taking good care of you. ;)