View Full Version : Dark Tower discussion thread *spoilers*

11-18-2004, 07:20 PM
I have been meaning to start this for awhile as I know there are other DT fans here that have finished the series and might like to discuss it more openly than just via PM...

Be Warned!!!

If you haven't read the series or finished it, read on at your own risk... this thread will be open to all thoughts, comments, complaints, and theories about all DT books and the related works such as Insomnia and 'Salems Lot.

Let's begin... :cboy:

11-18-2004, 07:25 PM
I'll just start this by saying I almost didn't read the final chapter concerning Roland's climb into the Tower, but I wanted to know and figured I'd read about it somewhere anyway. I wasn't too surprised at what he found at the top because I saw on another site where a guy predicted it would end up that way. Not exactly, but he said something along the lines of, 'If it starts back over at the beginning I'm gonna be pissed.' I guess he is pissed then, huh? LOL

11-18-2004, 08:10 PM
*joins thread* :D

11-18-2004, 08:11 PM
yes, I must say...I normally can predict the twist at the end of King's books...but I definitely wasn't expecting what I'd find at the end!!

11-19-2004, 10:23 AM
i loved the ending. it was perfect. made total sense. if i hadn't read that last chapter *then* i woulda felt cheated. to end on that sappy note about jake and susanna and eddie :rolleyes: puke! gotta add here that king got a bit full of himself at the end there, souded petulant and snotty. i don't buy his reasons for adding the last bit where roland steps through the door. *IF* the only reason he added it was to stave off the angry fan mail then he ought to stop writing all together 'cause he's always said it's a kind of therapy for him and that it's mostly out of his hands... the story goes where the story goes...yaddayaddayadda..and that's why i think he's such a great story teller.. anyway, i doubt the "story" told him he needed to appease angry people who have nothing better to do with their time than to send letters of outrage to anything and anyone who tweaks their pissy little sense of 'if you ask me which i know you didn't...' ya know what i think? i think he did for himself just as much as anyone else. he needed to make sure that what alot of his readers, and he himself, saw coming was what really happened to roland. confirm it, i guess.

lots of great artwork, too.

okay, questions:

1. if ka is a wheel but time only runs one-way on the keystone worlds HOW was roland made to go back? why would he think gan did it to be cruel?

2. why did roland feel hinky about reading insomnia? was it becuase of patricks picture? did he think it would have deterred him from going? cause he already knew about the picture, he was told by the people at tet. did he think if he heard it from susanna it would have made a difference?

3. does it happen the same way eevry time? if it doesn't then how was patrick, as a boy, able to draw roland at the top? if it does then, again, there were people drawn from a keystone world (one-way time) and... refer to question 1. or perhaps that is the reason that the three he drew could not go to the tower 'cause if they did then they would have remembered??? and not gone???

4. if it does happen the same way every time, do you think that the horn will make a difference this time? was that all that was needed? for roland, not the roses, to sound the horn? what is the significance of that?

great thread, aqua! i am anxious to hear others' opinions. bigbad has a few good ones but i'll let him speak for himself.

11-19-2004, 04:37 PM
ya i was kinda disapointed w the end, but it was nice to know that roland may just do it diferently this time, hopefully be nicer who knows, to bad he restarted in the desert andnot long ago tho


11-19-2004, 04:40 PM
very interesting that where we were returned to was maybe a few mins/ hours before we actually started into the first book hehe...this seems as though he got out of the ending because this is kind of never ending now...hmm ;)

11-20-2004, 09:53 PM
okay, questions:

1. if ka is a wheel but time only runs one-way on the keystone worlds HOW was roland made to go back? why would he think gan did it to be cruel?

I don't think Roland is part of any of the worlds but part of all the worlds. He is part of the white and thus not part of the rules. He is a cog that protects the tower and the beams.

2. why did roland feel hinky about reading insomnia? was it becuase of patricks picture? did he think it would have deterred him from going? cause he already knew about the picture, he was told by the people at tet. did he think if he heard it from susanna it would have made a difference?

Although Roland forgets all the times he has gone through this quest, he still has vague memories of it, he often just knew things that no one else could have known, and it was said that he wasn't using the touch. So he just knew or perhaps trusted inKa that it was the right decision.

3. does it happen the same way eevry time? if it doesn't then how was patrick, as a boy, able to draw roland at the top? if it does then, again, there were people drawn from a keystone world (one-way time) and... refer to question 1. or perhaps that is the reason that the three he drew could not go to the tower 'cause if they did then they would have remembered??? and not gone???

I think it is a lot like the maxtrix, in that it has to happen, but doesn't happen in exactly the same way, or with the same players. The essence of the players is always the same and the tower stands at the end of all of it, if it didn't then this story could not have been told.

4. if it does happen the same way every time, do you think that the horn will make a difference this time? was that all that was needed? for roland, not the roses, to sound the horn? what is the significance of that?

Nope, the roses, or whatever will make the noise if it is not there.

great thread, aqua! i am anxious to hear others' opinions. bigbad has a few good ones but i'll let him speak for himself.

Yeah thx AQUA!

11-21-2004, 01:39 PM
*chuckles* i know your thoughts, bigbad...after all we live together. lol :D anyone else have an opinion?

04-28-2007, 02:03 PM

04-28-2007, 03:11 PM
I can't believe I haven't joined this thread til now!

I also felt the ending was the best way to end the series. When I first read it, I was angry and felt cheated, but since reading the series again - yes, all the way through - and thinking about it, I agree that this was one ofthe few satisfying ways to end the series.

04-28-2007, 03:31 PM
I've just finished reading it. I definitely didn't expect the ending.

04-28-2007, 05:28 PM
I didn't expect it, either. Did you like it though, Neige?

04-28-2007, 05:47 PM
I loved it. It all fits together so well.

04-30-2007, 09:39 AM
There is a pretty solid buzz that JJ Abrams is slated to direct a Dark Tower film!

04-30-2007, 09:55 AM
I read the first 2-3 books. Never got around to reading the others. Was it good? Should I go back and read the rest?
I guess I just moved on to different writers, with other crazy stories, n stuff.

Just wondering Thanks

04-30-2007, 11:05 AM
The fourth, Wizard and Glass, is REALLY good and the final three are good, however, they feel a bit, uhm, hard to describe just what is missing, but something isn't quite there that are in the first four.

Do you read any other King books, GreenChef?

04-30-2007, 05:09 PM
I heard that there was a movie in the works, but I'm kinda afraid to see it. This'll sound weird, but ever since I started reading these books, I pictured Roland as Clint Eastwood, and it would just ruin my picture of him if they cast anyone else, which they would have to do. :)

04-30-2007, 05:10 PM
Just from the book covers, that is who I imagined too.

04-30-2007, 06:05 PM
A lot of people picture Clint as Roland. It wouldn't work now though.

I saw someone suggesting Hugh Laurie (the Dr. from House) and I think he could do it.

I'm still not sure I want to see this as a film though.

04-30-2007, 08:13 PM
I love Hugh Laurie, and I think he probably has the acting chops to attack Roland...

but I agree, I don't know if I'd want to see it as a film. My other objection would be, quite simply, length. There's no way this story could be done in a single film, and to even make it a trilogy would be a tragedy. But would they have the money backing to do all 7 books separately? It could turn into LOTR x 2.

05-01-2007, 12:34 PM
It's been working with Harry Potter, which will be a seven book series and almost assuredly a seven film series too.

05-01-2007, 01:56 PM
i think it needs to be done as a series. 5 years, hbo or skinemax or something

05-01-2007, 02:39 PM
When I was younger I read a lot of his stuff. I guess I've read most of his books before '90, and not much thereafter. right I just counted quickly. I've read probably 20 of his novels, several of his short story collections, one or two I saw the movie (yes his movies Suck unfortunately, with of course a couple of exeptions... Redrum... redrum..., )

:weg: :weg: :weg: Read any Clive Barker? He's mad.
Iain Banks? Genious :weg: :weg: :weg:

05-01-2007, 03:01 PM
i read the thief of always by barker - great book, i should pick up some more from him - but no banks. care to recommend a book to start with?

05-01-2007, 03:57 PM
That's true about Harry Potter, Aqua. I suppose I never think of that like I think of DT, because I don't care about HP. :) I always thought that Harry Potters were more standalone than any of the Dark Tower books, though. Thoughts from those who've read both?

05-01-2007, 04:23 PM
i agree ^^^ although a few stars wars films ended with big cliff hangers and it didn't hurt that series none.