View Full Version : Advice About Birth Control Pills

07-30-2004, 07:41 PM
Hey eveyone how are you doing? My girlfriend has been having trouble with the side effects of her birth control pillls. Actually, she had been taking one brand for 3 months, but her doctor prescribed a different brand when the side effects became unbearable. She has been two weeks into this new brand but the side effects are still really bad and she isn't sure whether or not she should stop taking the pills all together and just use condems or if she should keep trying different pills. The side effects included mood swings, depression, anger, and every little thing seems to bother her. Needless to say it has really been effecting both our lives.

So anyways here are my questions,

1) What has been your general experiance with birth control pills especially the side effects?
2) Did you or your sig. other have had to try many different pills before finding one that worked?
3) Did anyone of you have to stop taking the pills all together?
4) My girlfriend is of asian decent and she is a really small person, have you heard of that being a factor at all in the effects of birth control pills?

Thanks to all the reply,


07-30-2004, 10:27 PM
Well I will do my best to answer all of your questions. I have tried several different brands of pills, and both worked well for me, the only side effect I had was moodiness around the end of the pack, which would be normal for me anyway. :) But from what you described with your gf, I would recommend her talking to her doctor about trying a pill with a lower dose of hormones. It is fairly common to have to try several kinds of pills before you get one that works for you, as most have different combinations of estrogen and progesterone. I would recommend going with Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, or anything in the family of Desogen, Yasmin, this sort of thing. They all have lower hormone levels as well as more progesterone. The side effects sound like an influx of hormones, similar to the symptoms of PMS, which occur with the fluctuations of hormones. If it is more bearable for her (and you :) ) to go off the pills until she can see her GYN again, just be careful. But I wouldn't think that she would have to stop taking the pills altogether. As for being a really small person, this may have something to do with the hormone levels. It may just be too much for her. :)

Hope this helps,

07-30-2004, 10:57 PM
I've taken quite a few different types of birth control, and different types of birth control pills. Before I had my kids I couldn't take the pill because no matter what I tried I had a different type of side effect. Ranging from mood swings, to stomach cramps (not pms, but actualy up in my stomach) and weight gain too. But after having my son I tried Yasmin, and so far (6 months later) not one bad side effect. Unfortunately what works for one woman won't work the same for another. I agree with everything Amanda just said, your gf should go talk to her doctor asap. There isn't anything wrong with her taking a list of a few types of low dose birth control options she's heard of and just asking the doctor's opinion.

07-31-2004, 12:00 AM
I tried different pills and Depo-Provera and hated the side effects (weight gain, etc.). I don't want to take them again so use condoms and the like.

08-02-2004, 07:23 PM
Hey Existing,

I'm sorry to hear about your girlfriend and her experience with birth control pills. Although I'm a virgin, I do have experience with BC pills as they also are used for other things like regulating menstruation. I've tried several pills but have now gone off them because of the side effects I was having. I hope I can answer some of your questions.

1. My experience has been mixed. I've done best with Ready4Ty's suggestion of Ortho Tri-Cyclen. It causes few side effects and it's low on hormones. I did once try a generic brand of Ortho and got really sick. I was constantly dizzy, nauseated and disoriented and it affected my vision. This and some other BC pills made me gain 10 pounds almost immediately. Since I've been off the pill I'm no long sick and my weight has gone down.

2. Each pill (or method) is different and each person will react differently to each medicine, so you'll have to do a bit of research.

3. I stopped it completely as I was becoming very overweight. My weight dropped immediately (mostly water as the pill makes you retain a lot).

4. I haven't heard of size being an issue. But as I've said, each person is different. Definitely ask your girlfriend to consult her OB-GYN. And if she's not satisfied with her doctor's response, get a second opinion.

I wish you both the best of luck.