View Full Version : Got hit with a dreaded questions today

05-16-2004, 12:02 AM
I went to a movie tonight, and while I was gone, one of my husbands high school buddies stopped by, with his wife, and their youngest daughter.

Apparently, their day care closed, and they had his aunt watching the two kids (ages 4 and 1), and when he went to pick them up friday, his oldest was playing in the road.

So, since I'm a stay at home, they want to know if I'll babysit for them, 4 hours a day (he works 1st, she works 2nd, so it'd be 11:30-3:30 is all), mon-fri, sometimes on saturday, for the next month.

Now, on one hand, I have anxiety problems, which are fairly under control via meds, but, there are still days when I feel panic attacks coming, or when I just can't handle it. They are few, and far between, but still a worry from time to time. It wouldn't affect the kids in anyway, because I still watch them, or let them play out in the fenced in back yard, but still, it effects my mental health for the rest of the day.

Basically, I just get really jittery, and jumpy, and ask myself why in the world I didn't raise kittens instead. :p

On the other hand, it's only 4 hours a day, during a time when my youngest, Gilly, is napping, and my oldest, Rae, is at school. And, for an entire week of that time, Nick has the week off, and would be able to help.

Plus, it's warm out now, so we'd be able to spend quite a bit of time out in the back yard, with the multiple kiddie toys, little tikes play things, and the swing set. For the most part, I think I could breeze through it. But there is still the worry of having 4 kids on my hands at once. Devon, their oldest one, is only a year younger than my son, Chris, and they have a blast playing when they're together.

The other one, Khayla, is a doll, but at the age still where the year between her and Gilly is a fairly wide gap. Gilly's getting to the age where she wants to run and play, and she gets rough at times. Khayla is a much more gentle girl, and when she's around, she'll come to me, but she's very mom and dad oriented. I don't think she'd be too bad without them, since she does come to me, but the first few days might be difficult.

Duno why I'm typing all this. Oppinions are helpful, but in the end, I'll go with my gut. They told Nick that they don't want me to feel like I have to, and that if I do, they'll pay me, but still, there's the worry. And I know they don't have very many choices in town, because the day cares around here are few, and expensive, and hard to get into, especially with summer coming and the school kids getting out.

Anyway, I think I just needed a place to write it all out. :heart:

05-16-2004, 12:15 AM
I know you'll make the right decision. It does feel good to help friends out though...

Perhaps make a list of the pluses and minuses and see where you come out. Good luck.

05-16-2004, 01:57 AM
We all have anxieties.

Like osuche says, weigh the pros and cons.

05-16-2004, 02:04 AM
I think the pro's are outweighing the cons. And, as an added bonus, most days, hubby's lunch hour (which he spends at home, since he works 5 minutes away) is right smack in the middle of that, so he'd be able to give me at least a few minutes for a break.

05-16-2004, 09:47 AM
I'll predict you won't mind a break! :D

05-16-2004, 10:27 AM
Just,REALLY,think about it!I,occasionally,watch one of my grand-
children.It makes you feel good,that you are trusted,but you'd be
suprised at the little inconviences that come up.Many things,that you don't even think of! Irish
P.S.My youngest daughters,youngest son,is Autistic.Sometimes
situations arise,where you just feel helpless!

05-16-2004, 07:05 PM
Well, I start baby sitting tomorrow at 11. Wish me luck. ;)

05-16-2004, 07:21 PM
shhhh not babysitting.....

You are a home day care provider.;)

05-16-2004, 07:36 PM
EEP! That makes me sound all... professional... eep!!

05-16-2004, 08:02 PM
Exactly...professionals make more $$. You never know when you are beginning a career, or a "home" business, so better to be safe than sorry.

05-16-2004, 10:26 PM
Don't say Day Care Provider.With that title,I believe,that you must
be State Licensed & carry insurance!I'm not sure! Irish

05-17-2004, 02:12 AM
i think you'll do great hon its your motherly instinct thats making you worried. which maybe you can't see but the rest of us reading this post are all like.. she'll be perfect =)

05-17-2004, 04:51 AM
What he ^^^^^ said!!!! *^5's Ranger*

I wish you the best hun! Take it one day at a time. Fear is of the unknown...and after today it'll be known and your fears will diminish!

05-17-2004, 06:32 AM
Originally posted by Irish
Don't say Day Care Provider.With that title,I believe,that you must
be State Licensed & carry insurance!I'm not sure! Irish

Not until you reach a certain # of kids. At least not in my state.

05-17-2004, 06:59 AM
I will be thinking about you Gilly! I hope the day goes as smoothly as caring for kids allows;) You'll be great!

If I was there, I would just come over with my little guy and we could just hang outside and let the kids play! It would be fun!

05-17-2004, 10:27 AM
Thank you for the nice words and encouragment. ;)

They're both here, so... welcome to my insanity. :D