View Full Version : Congratulations curvyredheadgrl !!

Teddy Bear
03-22-2004, 09:57 PM
WOW.... Not only is she sexy and beautiful, but she's brainy and smart too!!

Grumbles little curvy is being inducted into Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society for International Business! Induction is based on grades and recommendations from professors. It is an honor few receive.

Congrats curvy!!! :) We're so proud of you!

The Purposes of Sigma Beta Delta

Lifetime Membership: Membership in Sigma Beta Delta is the highest national recognition a business student can receive at a college or university with a Sigma Beta Delta chapter. To be eligible for membership, a business student must rank in the upper 20 percent of the junior, senior or master's class and be invited to membership by the faculty officers.

Purposes: The purposes of Sigma Beta Delta are to encourage and recognize scholarship and achievement among students of business, management and administration, and to encourage and promote personal and professional improvement and a life distinguished by honorable service to humankind.

Sigma Beta Delta was established to honor students who have attained superior records in business programs in schools and colleges with regional accreditation.
If interested you can read more about it here:

03-22-2004, 11:28 PM
WooooHooooo!!!!! Congrats Curvy!!! Hurahhhh for you!!!

03-22-2004, 11:48 PM

03-23-2004, 02:28 AM
Just one MORE exceptional Pixie! :)

Congrats hun.

03-23-2004, 03:30 AM
This is the woman I love :D

What a lucky Grumble I am to have an intelligent, industrious, beautiful, sexy and caring lover. She chased me by the way LOL.

Congratulations my love, it is a well deserved honour, will give you a special present in May. ;)

03-23-2004, 04:50 AM
Congratulations curvy :)


03-23-2004, 04:51 AM
Congratulations, curvyredheadgrl! Really impressive. But then, would we have expected less ... after all you've got grumble and you are a Pixie! Sounds like qualifications to me for greatness!!


03-23-2004, 05:17 AM
Congrats Curvy!!

03-23-2004, 06:06 AM
Congratulations Curvy! Wow! I'm so proud of and happy for you!

03-23-2004, 06:52 AM

03-23-2004, 09:19 AM
That's terrific!

<--is sending lots of congratulatory hugs!

03-23-2004, 10:58 AM
Congratulations... wow!! Would you come stand by me? Maybe some of your smarts will rub off on me... lol.

Way to go!

03-23-2004, 11:06 AM
Wow, quite a distinguished nod from your peers Curvy! Congrats, and jolly good show!

03-23-2004, 11:13 AM
wow thats awsome !! congrats girl!!!!


Lady Pleaser
03-23-2004, 05:55 PM
Way to go Curvy, congrats and keep up the good work

03-23-2004, 09:27 PM

03-25-2004, 01:26 AM
Thank you everybody! I'm so touched that you all care. I got through the ceremony without tears, but when I read your comments, I just started crying! Everybody here at Pixies is just the best!:love: *hugs to everyone* I can't believe how lucky I am to have found you all... (especially you Grumble!)

To Teddy Bear, thank you very much and a special *hug*

My first priority in life is my children, followed by my education, and this has been a huge honor for me.