View Full Version : Movies '03

03-21-2004, 03:53 PM
Since the beginning of this year I have seen 2 out of 3 films on DVD that I went to see in the cinema last year. First of all, there's the hilarious Anger Management with Jack Nicholson in and the hot Heather Graham as Kendra! :hot:

"Shut your piehole, we're working here!" - to me this just sums up how American made movies are slowly on the change.

Secondly, Cabin Fever which stars 2 of the planet's hottest babes and one director with a true sense of humour of how to film a horror movie. Watching this and closely studying it, it makes Scream and it's sequels look so crap 'n' simple.


Anyone else seen this film? And did you like it?

The only remaining one I haven't seen yet is Bruce Almighty with Jim Carrey. Yeah, it's been out on DVD for ages but I will get round to is soon.

03-21-2004, 10:50 PM
The DVD I liked best so far this past year was "Whale Rider". I was disapponted Keisha didn't get an award.

03-22-2004, 03:34 AM
Bruce Almighty ~ B. E. A. utiful... *LOL*...Excellent film...loved it

03-22-2004, 04:45 AM
Loved Bruce Almighty.

Not seen Anger Management..........can't stand Jack Nicholson

Cabin Fever was the 2nd worst film I saw last year narrowly pipped at the post by Wrong Turn. There's no way you can compare Cabin Fever to Scream!

03-22-2004, 09:59 PM
I'm goin with FP on this one... You cannot compare Cabin Fever to one of Wes Craven's masterpieces. And Cabin Fever was also the 2nd worst movie I saw recently too..only because I rented House of the Dead the same night.

03-23-2004, 10:10 AM
I liked Wrong Turn much better than Cabin Fever. Ironically, I own CF, and not WT. I am a true child of the horror genre, and have been avidly watching them since I was about 10. I love em, regardless of how cheesy they can be. And yes, I am fully aware of the cheese factor.

I felt Cabin Fever left too much unexplained. Where did the disease come from to start? Yeah, I know, the dog had it. The hogs had it. Where did THEY get it?

And the freaks from the general store, what was their deal? What was the kit they had? They made a big deal over it (reminding me vagually of the ever so famous line, "Bring out the Gimp"), only to have them all killed off, and the kit forgotten.

The whole thing was comical at best, and reminded me more of the Scary Movie trilogy, than the Scream trilogy.

Bruce Almighty we bought almost right off. I'm a big fan of Carrey, and he was great in this one. It was reminiscent of Liar Liar, in that he was playing a semi-serious character that felt he was getting screwed over, and circumstance stepped in to change it.

Anger Managment was beautiful. I loved it. It cracked me up, start to finish. I'm such a cheap movie whore in those regards. Honestly, there are few movies I don't like. If it holds my attention for at least half of the movie, then it's done it's job. I don't look for a deeper meaning, I don't analyze the plot, and I don't listen to the critics, or even other people's opinions of a movie. If the trailer looked good, and 500 people I knew all said it was rotten, I'd still go, and very likely end up liking it, at least marginally.

There are few genre's I don't like, as well. I'll just as readily sit through a romantic comedy, as a horror movie, or an action adventure Jackie Chan movie.

It has to have a plot, and then I'm happy. Might be why I really don't like porno's. Yeah, I'm odd that way.

03-23-2004, 01:53 PM
bruse almighty was awsome i was rolling thuout the whole thingheehheheheh have not seen anger managment yet tho I LUV jack nickolson and will be seeing it soon. best film i saw wa spirates of the caribean .mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .


03-23-2004, 08:32 PM
Didn't really care for "Anger Management". "Cabin Fever" was ok, but a little on the campy side. "Bruce Almighty" was good, in my opinion. For my favorite of '03, "Pirates of the Carribean" takes #1, with "The Italian Job" running a really close second.

03-23-2004, 10:33 PM
I was just thinking of the Italian Job, myself. I really liked that one a lot. Just watched it this evening, in fact. Pirates is a hands down favorite as well.