View Full Version : Looking for new adventures!

10-04-2003, 11:31 AM
Hi all you pixies! I am new the the pixie forums, I have been reading the stories for quite awhile but just now discovered this whole side of pixies. It seems so interesting! I would love to get to know some new people and maybe have some new adventures. I enjoy viewing the postings, especially all the beautiful women that seem to grace these pages. Anyway, I am new here and just wanted to say hello to everyone.

23 yo female, Texas!

10-04-2003, 12:10 PM
Greetings and welcome paprclphd.:)

You’ve come to the right place to meet some good people and I think you’ll find “interesting” an understatement for our friendly ladies.

10-04-2003, 12:13 PM
[GLOWBLUE] Thanks pantyfanatic. I have seen some of your postings and I have really enjoyed them. I plan on doing some postings of my own as soon as I get the correct equipment. Thanks for the friendly welcome!:hot:

10-04-2003, 12:33 PM
look forward to it paprclphd! enjoy your stay

10-04-2003, 05:50 PM
greetings and welcome to pixies, from a fellow Texan...smiles

10-04-2003, 05:56 PM
Hi and welcome! Looking forward to getting to know you in the threads!

10-04-2003, 06:16 PM
Welcome to the family paprclphd
I'm sure you will very some very interesting ppl here


Teddy Bear
10-04-2003, 08:05 PM
Hello, paprclphd AND breinhol .....

Welcome to both of you !! So glad your both posting.

Stop by the chat room when ya can, good place to meet ppl.

Have fun. :) :)


10-04-2003, 08:24 PM
Just thought I'd drop by and say hello too!:) And if you need equipment, you're welcome to borrow mine or would be glad to help out.;) :slurp: Enjoy your stay!:D

10-04-2003, 09:42 PM
Welcome to Pixies, Paprclphd. Hope you enjoy your stay, so pull up a chair and enjoy yourself.

10-05-2003, 02:25 AM
Howdy, paprclphd, and welcome to Pixies. Make yourself at home!

10-05-2003, 03:20 AM
Welcome to the evergrowing family :)

Look forward to catching you around the forums

10-05-2003, 08:25 AM
Add me to the list of people welcoming you!

It's great to meet you, and i look forward to getting to know you better through your posts!

Why not jump into the Chat room, and say hello there? We're a friendly bunch!


10-05-2003, 10:38 AM
We're friendly when not being attacked by trout in the chat room!


10-06-2003, 08:58 AM
Thanks for all the warm welcomes! Makes me feel special! I look forward to meeting all of you and sharing some good times. :hot:

10-06-2003, 08:59 AM
Thanks for the offer CowGirl Tease - I might take you up on that!

10-11-2003, 07:10 PM
Hi paprclphd

Welcome to pixies. Have fun and hope to see you around.

btw I may be stupid but what is the origin of your nickname?

10-11-2003, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by Glyndwr
Hi paprclphd

Welcome to pixies. Have fun and hope to see you around.

btw I may be stupid but what is the origin of your nickname?

I am so glad you asked...I have wanted to for a week now:p

10-13-2003, 08:06 AM
My nick name means "paper clip head" - paprclphd. Its really stupid. My boss made it up once and it just seemed to be something that was unique and easy to remember that no one else had thought of yet. So I use paprclphd or some version of it for just about everything on the internet.

Thanks for asking - hope everyone had a good weekend and is looking forward to a good Monday!

Sassy Rose
10-16-2003, 12:16 AM
Welcome to Pixies paparclphd, I look forward to getting to know you :)

10-16-2003, 09:29 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I was surprised and delighted to see the greetings from everyone. I have been in the chat rooms and have posted on a few threads and I am really enjoying myself at pixies!! Thanks again!

Happy Halloween!

11-04-2003, 04:15 PM
Hello paprclphd... I never caught this thread until now... Hope you will accept my belated welcome to the site. Glad to have you around, even if your nick makes my head spin everytime I see it. :p lol

11-04-2003, 04:41 PM
Thank you for the welcome (and the bump) Aqua! Hopefully I will get some pics up soon and everyone will get a chance to know me a little more.

If the nick makes your head spin, I can only imagine what the rest of me could do!

11-04-2003, 08:05 PM
welcome from sunny London - have fun here. It says so in the rules.

11-05-2003, 06:27 PM
Thanks Darkangel!

Texas is not so sunny right now. Its very humid and warm - its about to really really rain!!

Thanks for the welcome!

11-06-2003, 12:04 AM
have we met?

Unofficially we have...but to make it official--greetings