View Full Version : ~Unlike any 12 step program you've ever heard of~

08-29-2003, 04:57 AM
I was going to make this a PM, but I want it out here to show my sincerity.

In some rehabilitation programs.....one part of the rehab. process is making ammends. I've devised a one step program, to cut out all the other nonsense and get to the point!

To Whom It May Concern (name withheld to protect privacy),

From the depths of my heart and the crux of my soul, I am sorry! If I could turn back time, and take back what I did to hurt you, I would! Since I can't do that, I'll just leave this public apology here in hopes that you stumble across it. When/if you do wander into this thread, I hope you realize how hard this was to do, but how much I needed to do it to prove to you that I'd have rather fallen on a sword than jeopardize our friendship! Please find it in your heart to forgive me!

And to the other members who stumble in and read this......so sorry to bring down the giggles..........but this HAD to be done! That's all!