View Full Version : Yeah! AOL 8.0 Plus is here.

08-12-2003, 06:18 PM
And inside the box is a CD (I assume of the program with the 7,462 link) and an opportunity to have AOL free for 1,045 hours:) You get an instruction card on how to open your CD Rom:) and another one with your secret magic registration and password so you can sign up a friend:) You even get a phone number that will help you set up this free gift. Isn’t this wonderful? :D

Now as soon as you throw all that CRAP in the trash you have a neat tin box. It’s 5” x 5-1/2” and 3/8” deep. What do you do with all your AOL tins? Do you keep tiny things that you may want to sort in it? It’ll hold a few band-aids:eek: and fit nicely in glove box or the bottom of a tool box without displacing a lot of valuable space. It could hold a variety of colored condoms for easy selection.:p

Tell us what you do with your box ladies.;)

08-12-2003, 06:32 PM
My brother uses cigarette tin boxes and those like the AOL ones as a wallet. They are considerably more waterproof than a traditional wallet. I used the cds to have the kids make shiny fish to hang from the ceiling in my classroom.

08-12-2003, 06:35 PM
Me, I just like SHINY things!! :eek: LOL


08-12-2003, 07:14 PM
I don't get AOL Cd's so I must not be special enough but I do use altoid tins to hold my ID and money when I go clubbing. The mini altoid tins are perfect for holding any medication you may need to take during the day instead of carrying around a pill bottle.

08-12-2003, 07:27 PM
Tin...what fuckin' tin....hmmmffttt us Aussie have been ripped off...all we get is a CD wrapped in pretty cardboard

The CD's make excellent mobiles *LOL*...or frisbees

08-12-2003, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by pantyfanatic
What do you do with all your AOL tins? Do you keep tiny things that you may want to sort in it? It’ll hold a few band-aids:eek: and fit nicely in glove box or the bottom of a tool box without displacing a lot of valuable space. It could hold a variety of colored condoms for easy selection.:p

Finally, a decent use for those damn annoying pieces of junk mail!!! Thanks PF!

Vicious Tease
08-12-2003, 10:37 PM
I actually have one in my glove box with band-aids. lol I also have one in my makeup bag filled with Q-tips.

08-13-2003, 12:13 AM
Here in Canada we don't get the tin, either. There are some wonderful people in Cali who want you to mail them the CDs so they can mail 1,000,000 of 'em to AOL


And a pic of all the CDs


I love these guys!! They're storing them in their garage! And the Web site has a count down for how many they have left to go, kinda like our 1,000,000 thread.

08-13-2003, 12:45 AM
I used to pick up a handful of them at Target and then use the CD's as cheap coasters in my apartment at school :D
Never have gotten anything in a tin...must just be for current subscribers.

08-13-2003, 07:05 AM
They work great to store your pot and one hitter together...

08-13-2003, 11:32 AM
"Tell us what you do with your box, ladies."

PF, I do a lot of things w/my box, but storing Q-tips or change or Band-Aids in it or using it as a coaster is not one of them. Once in a while, though, I DO fill it w/condoms. :D

08-13-2003, 11:37 AM
Yeah skip, like, you can hide your weed in there...

08-13-2003, 12:06 PM
Hey it used to work in my "curiously strong mints" tins ;)

08-13-2003, 12:21 PM
euw ...menthol weed:p

08-13-2003, 12:26 PM
Fools those dogs though

08-13-2003, 02:00 PM
I dont get them in tin... get them in dvd cases...to which I pull the paper out and toss the disks and stick in CDs without jewel cases.. :)

08-13-2003, 06:27 PM
My operations manager collects the tins - he's got over 1000!

For years, I didn't have to buy a floppy disk. Now, on the extremely rare occasion that I need a floppy, I'm down to my last few AOL disks. Too bad they don't send those AOL CDs on CD-RWs.

08-13-2003, 09:09 PM
Coasters or frisbees for the discs! ;) Like the bunny, I too get them in dvd cases which are handy for cd's etc. :)

08-13-2003, 10:10 PM
I actually have one in my glove box with band-aids. lol I also have one in my makeup bag filled with Q-tips.
lol- I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one to use them as a first aid kit. I love the idea of the Q-tips. I may throw a few in with the band-aids and might try and see if I can put just enough hydrogen peroxide in a leak-proof baggy and keep some of that in one. ;)

Here in Canada we don't get the tin, either. There are some wonderful people in Cali who want you to mail them the CDs so they can mail 1,000,000 of 'em to AOL
I KNOW they don’t like you.:) LMAO But I love you for telling me about the return:D I may ship these guys all the bad burns I make too. Let AOL sort them out if they want.

They work great to store your pot and one hitter together...
And you don’t have to have a sheet of paper under the roll;)

I dont get them in tin... get them in dvd cases...to which I pull the paper out and toss the disks and stick in CDs without jewel cases..
I think that’s why the dummies went to painted tins. Too many people like the nice mailers. lol Like we wouldn’t find something to do with the tins. (Check the stock prices for those wizards ;) )LOL

For years, I didn't have to buy a floppy disk.
Wasn’t that nice of them. I loved it when they fell out of my mags.

…I too get them in dvd cases which are handy for cd's etc….
Not to worry. I’m sure you’ll be getting about one a week soon. I’m sure the mailman really loves them. Lol

Heah! I bet they would hold fishing flys nicely.:D
Tin...what fuckin' tin....hmmmffttt us Aussie have been ripped off...all we get is a CD wrapped in pretty cardboard
I guess they just don’t like you.;) LOL Aren’t these neat tins Sharni? …….. for something. :confused: (excause the desk :o)

08-13-2003, 10:12 PM
(too lazy to delete it and repost with the pic)

08-13-2003, 10:20 PM
**thinks PF is showing his nerdy side in the pic***

Looks like a mighty interesting drawing there PF

08-13-2003, 10:25 PM
I'm going to clean that desk up one of these days.

.... anybody got a match?:rolleyes:

08-13-2003, 10:35 PM
Me! Me!

(nb : Chemical Engineers love fire)